January 2009 - Vol. 52 No. 1

January 2009 issue cover image


Research and Advances Virtual extension

Automating Commonsense Reasoning Using the Event Calculus

Commonsense reasoning is the human ability to make inferences about properties and events in the everyday world. The automation of commonsense reasoning, long a goal of the field of artificial intelligence3 and an area of active research in the last decade,8 is attaining a level of maturity. Automating commonsense reasoning allows us to build applications […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Improved Security Through Information Security Governance

Within the modern, hyper-connected business landscape, organizations are constantly under attack. According to the 2005 Computer Crime and Security Survey, conducted jointly by the Computer Security Institute (CSI) and the San Francisco Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 56% of respondents reported unauthorized computer system use during the past year.2 These unauthorized uses […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Exploring the Black Box of Task-Technology Fit

As professionals, such as knowledge workers and managers increasingly perform tasks outside of traditional office environments, mobile technology often provides critical support, in particular to mid-level executives, project managers, company and sales representatives, and field service workers.4 Nevertheless, the requirements for the development and use of mobile information systems to support mobile professionals are not […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

Disaster Response in Health Care: A Design Extension For Enterprise Data Warehouse

August 29, 2005. Hurricane katrina made landfall and caused catastrophic damage along the coastlines of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana killing at least 1,836 people.12 Nearly 80% of the city of New Orleans and surrounding areas were ravaged. Katrina is estimated to be responsible for more than $80 billion in damages, making it the costliest hurricane […]
Research and Advances Virtual extension

The Relationship Between Software Development Team Size and Software Development Cost

Most of the Software development cost is related to the programmers’ salaries and recent evidence shows that team-related factors can affect project performance and its cost.10,12 Selecting an appropriate team size for software development projects continues to be a challenge for most project managers. Larger teams represent better distribution of skills, but lead to higher […]

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