January 2008 - Vol. 51 No. 1

A Time to Retrospect and Prospect
From Academia to the Editorship
CACM: Past, Present, and Future
In the Realm of Insight and Creativity
Information Security: 50 Years Behind, 50 Years Ahead
Five Deep Questions in Computing
Hacking Intellectual Property Law
Computing in Pervasive Cyberspace
Could Googling Take Down a President?
Toward a Network Architecture that Does Everything
Reflections on Computer-Related Risks
Cyber-Commons: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds
Bell’s Law For the Birth and Death of Computer Classes
The Centrality and Prestige of CACM
Technical Perspective: The Data Center is the Computer
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
Technical Perspective: Finding a Good Neighbor, Near and Fast
Near-Optimal Hashing Algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensions