The 5th Paradigm: AI-Driven Scientific Discovery
A scientific revolution is happening before our eyes, powered by Computing and AI.
The 5th Paradigm: AI-Driven Scientific Discovery
A scientific revolution is happening before our eyes, powered by Computing and AI.
From Dot Matrix to Data: A Journey through Technology and Leadership
The middle school I attended had a state-of-the-art lab equipped with the latest Apple II computers.
Diversity Examples Inappropriate
There is little convincing evidence that anything other than ability, knowledge, and communication skills drives the success of teams working in software and hardware development.
Considering Conference Contributions
How to get the most out of the time and effort of serving on Program Committees.
Is It Possible to Truly Understand Performance in LLMs?
Understanding why emergence occurs is part of a broader desire to shine light inside the black box of LLMs.
Technology aims to ensure integrity and fairness, but doesn't erase the deep appeal of human judgment in competition.
A Camera the Size of a Grain of Salt Could Change Imaging as We Know It
Innovative methods and materials led to a tiny meta-optics camera able to produce full-color images equal in quality to those produced by conventional cameras.
ACM remembers A.M. Turing Award Laureate E. Allen Emerson, who passed away on Oct. 15, 2024.
We offer an eight-tiered hierarchy that classifies AI machines by their learning power.
How can we prevent prompt-hacking and an associated AI research replication crisis?
Empower Diversity in AI Development
A set of practical recommendations that empower organizations to increase diversity in AI development.
Notice and Choice Cannot Stand Alone
If bolstered by appropriate laws, standards, and easy-to-use interfaces, the notice and choice concept could be a useful tool in our future privacy toolbox.
AI Must Be Anti-Ableist and Accessible
Addressing concerns about AI’s potential negative impact on inclusion, representation, and equity for those in marginalized communities.
Confidential Computing or Cryptographic Computing?
Trade-offs between secure computation via cryptography and hardware enclaves.
Transactions and Serverless are Made for Each Other
Serverless cloud platforms should be used to deploy stateful applications.
The EU AI Act and the Wager on Trustworthy AI
The EU AI Act serves as a reminder for developers to always prioritize the well being of individuals and society as a whole.
Belt and Braces: When Federated Learning Meets Differential Privacy
An overview of differential privacy-enabled federated learning with a focus on utility optimization techniques.
Ethics and Cultural Background as Key Factors for an Attractive Metaverse
Lessons from South Korea could hold the key to more widespread adoption of the metaverse.
Technical Perspective: How Exploits Impact Computer Science Theory
The term “weird machines” reflects the shift in the understanding of exploitability’s root cause.
Computing with Time: Microarchitectural Weird Machines
Demonstrating the practicallity of μWMs by creating a microarchitecture-sensitive logic bomb.
Technical Perspective: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What Is the Best Topology of Them All?
Combining torus topologies’ cost-effectiveness and switched topologies’ performance into a novel network topology.
HammingMesh: A Network Topology for Large-Scale Deep Learning
HammingMesh is optimized specifically for ML workloads and their communication patterns.
Matarić would like machines to provide social, emotional, and psychological support to people, which makes accessibility a large, unsolved problem.