December 1999 - Vol. 42 No. 12

December 1999 issue cover image



Editorial Pointers

It’s that time of year. No, I mean, it’s finally that time of year—the time of year that we’ve dissected in some respect in every issue of this magazine for the past 24 months. And as the days dwindle and final preparations made for the big turnover, we’ve decided to close out the millennium with […]

News Track

A proposal to improve the way information flows across the Internet has privacy advocates worried the design could be used to trace a person’s identity. The proposal, an addressing system called IPv6, was created by the Internet Engineering Task Force, an international standards body, and would include a unique serial number for each computer’s network […]


This month's "Forum" continues the debate regarding the restructuring of the university model, spurred by Dennis Tsichritzis's article "Reengineering the University" (June 1999, p. 93).

Viewpoint: Stop that Divorce!

As the 21st century fast approaches, computing professionals still do not have a clear understanding of the nature of their profession. This is unfortunate, especially since the discipline has accumulated enough science over the years to make it stand on its own. Several computing pioneers and professional organizations attempted to define the discipline of computing […]

Licensing Software Engineers

Déj`a vu. As I read the many comments on software engineering licensing I’m reminded of the debate on the merits of the "go to" statement that raged in this publication three decades ago. I recall in particular the famous computer scientists of the 1960s arguing in favor of the "go to" without really understanding Edsger […]

Are We Ready?: The FAA’s Y2K Preparedness

Over the last few years, media attention has focused on the Y2K computer problem and potential disasters that it may cause. Computer systems worldwide may encounter problems ranging from slight anomalies, such as time tracking and problem reporting, to total system failures. Electrical power grid failures, elevator and security system interruptions, and airline crashes have […]

Inside Risks: Risks of Insiders

This month we consider some of the risks associated with insiders. An insider is someone who has been (explicitly or implicitly) granted privileges authorizing use of a particular system or facility. This concept is clearly relative to virtual space and real time, because at any given moment a user may be an insider with respect […]

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