
Research and Advances

An automatic grading scheme for simple programming exercises

A discussion is given of alterations that were made to a typical university operating system to record the results of programming exercises in three different languages, includeing assembly language. In this computer-controlled grading scheme provision is made for testing with programmer-supplied data and for final runs with system-supplied data. Exercises run under the scheme may be mixed with other programs, and no special recognition of exercises by the operators is necessary.
Research and Advances

Data communications control procedures for the USA standard code for information interchange

This proposed American Standard has been accepted for publication by USA Standards Committee X3, Computers and Information Processing. In order that the final version of the proposed standard reflect the largest public consensus, X3 authorized publication of this document to elicit comment and general public reaction, with the understanding that such a working document is an intermediate result in the standardization process and is subject to change, modification, or withdrawal in part or in whole. Comments should be addressed to the X3 Secretary, Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, 235 East 42 Street, New York, NY 10017.—E. L.
Research and Advances

Some criteria for time-sharing system performance

Time-sharing systems, as defined in this article, are those multiaccess systems which permit a terminal user to utilize essentially the full resources of the system while sharing its time with other terminal users. It is each terminal user's ability to utilize the full resources of the system that makes quantitative evaluation of time-sharing systems particularly difficult. Six criteria are described which have been successfully used to perform first-level quantitative time-sharing system performance evaluation.
Research and Advances

The role of programming in a Ph.D. computer science program

In this general paper the role of programming in advanced graduate training is discussed. Subject matter related to programming as well as programming per se is considered. The importance and application of formalism are considered and also the need for good empirical experimentation. A brief outline for a sequence of courses is included, and subject headings that have been obtained from an extensive bibliography are given. A bibliography of programming references is included.
Research and Advances

A comparison of batch processing and instant turnaround

A study of the programming efforts of students in an introductory programming course is presented and the effects of having instant turnaround (a few minutes) as opposed to conventional batch processing with turnaround times of a few hours are examined. Among the items compared are the number of computer runs per trip to the computation center, program preparation time, keypunching time, debugging time, number of runs, and elapsed time from the first run to the last run on each problem. Even though the results are influenced by the fact that “bonus points” were given for completion of a programming problem in less than a specified number of runs, there is evidence to support “Instant” over “Batch”.
Research and Advances

The AED free storage package

The most fundamental underlying problem in sophisticated software systems involving elaborate, changing data structure is dynamic storage allocation for flexible problem modeling. The Free Storage Package of the AED-1 Compiler System allows blocks of available storage to be obtained and returned for reuse. The total available space is partitioned into a hierarchy of free storage zones, each of which has its own characteristics. Blocks may be of any size, and special provisions allow efficient handling of selected sizes, control of shattering and garbage collection, and sharing of physical space between zones. The routines of the package perform high level functions automatically, but also allow access and control of fine internal details as well.
Research and Advances

ARPA: a visible means of support

The Advanced Research Projects Agency has probably done more to lift computer science from other disciplines and to put it on its own feet than any organization inside or outside of government. Even today, when support of computing is spread throughout the government, ARPA is practically alone in its belief that computing deserves to be a separate discipline. Ironically, the computer profession knows little about this friendly benefactor.

Changes in government procurement policies

Several years ago there was an attempt in Washington to place the selection of government computers in a central, highly placed office. Individual government agencies, led by the Department of Defense, successfully beat back this attempt. Today, two years later, it looks as though other forms of centralization are being worked into the government fabric at lower levels, one in the Department of Defense, another in the General Services Administration.

The emergence of a profession

Computer programming deals with an enormous variety of activities and is carried on by people with a great variety of backgrounds. It seems clear that part but not all of this activity is evolving toward a distinct professional field, but that the scope of this emerging profession, and some of its economic, social, and educational characteristics are as yet by no means well defined. In this paper, these issues are examined and some opinions about them are expressed.

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