
Author Archives

Research and Advances

The MAD definition facility

One of the first definition facilities for higher level languages is described. Users of the language can define new operators and/or data types into the MAD language, so that their use appears as if they were predefined. Information is given on how one writes definitions, as well as on much of the motivation behind the form in which definitions are written. Some conclusions are drawn about future definitional facilities.
Research and Advances

The role of programming in a Ph.D. computer science program

In this general paper the role of programming in advanced graduate training is discussed. Subject matter related to programming as well as programming per se is considered. The importance and application of formalism are considered and also the need for good empirical experimentation. A brief outline for a sequence of courses is included, and subject headings that have been obtained from an extensive bibliography are given. A bibliography of programming references is included.
Research and Advances

An algorithm for equivalence declarations

Many algebraic translators provide the programmer with a limited ability to allocate storage. Of course one of the most desirable features of these translators is the extent to which they remove the burden of storage allocation from the programmer. Nevertheless, there are situations in which one wishes to make certain vectors and arrays contiguous, coincident, or overlapping. This is made possible in FORTRAN by the use of COMMON and EQUIVALENCE statements, in MAD by the use of PROGRAM COMMON, ERASABLE, and EQUIVALENCE statements, etc.

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