
Research and Advances

Toward friendly user MIS implementation

Recent management information systems (MIS) and computer science literature advocates the development of “user-friendly” systems as a means of overcoming implementation problems. However, implementation research suggests that it is not enough that the technology be friendly to the user. The user must also be friendly to the system. In formulating solutions to implementation problems, the field of organization development (OD) may serve as a knowledge base for practitoners and researchers. OD and MIS share common goals, common theoretical foundations, and common problems. Consequently, OD techniques may be useful in alleviating certain behavioral problems encountered in MIS implementation. OD concepts and techniques such as planned organizational change, survey feedback, group diagnostic meetings, communication training, role negotiation, and training labs may be used when implementing or changing systems. The premise is that use of these measures will lead to more successful MIS projects.
Research and Advances

A simple database language for personal computers

A simple database language for personal computers has been implemented by selecting a subset of the ANS MUMPS language and enhancing it so as to meet the requirements of microcomputer end-users who are unfamiliar with computers. This database language is named Micro MUMPS. Its database is based on a modified prefix B-tree having parameters for adjusting its data organization according to the requirements of space and time efficiency. Experience with Micro MUMPS has demonstrated a remarkable reduction in programming time.
Research and Advances

A diagnosis of beginning programmers’ misconceptions of BASIC programming statements

In the process of learning a computer language, beginning programmers may develop mental models for the language. A mental model refers to the user's conception of the “invisible” information processing that occurs inside the computer between input and output. In this study, 30 undergraduate students learned BASIC through a self-paced, mastery manual and simultaneously had hands-on access to an Apple II computer. After instruction, the students were tested on their mental models for the execution of each of nine BASIC statements. The results show that beginning programmers—although able to perform adequately on mastery tests in program generation—possessed a wide range of misconceptions concerning the statements they had learned. This paper catalogs beginning programmers' conceptions of “what goes on inside the computer” for each of nine BASIC statements.
Research and Advances

The fifth generation project — a trip report

As part of Japan's effort to become a leader in the computer industry, the Institute for New Generation Computer Technology has launched a revolutionary ten-year plan for the development of large computer systems which will be applicable to knowledge information processing systems. These Fifth Generation computers will be built around the concepts of logic programming. In order to refute the accusation that Japan exploits knowledge from abroad without contributing any of its own, this project will stimulate original research and will make its results available to the international research community.
Research and Advances

The economics of designing generalized software

The choice of the attributes to be incorporated in a generalized software package is a complex design task, much like the choice of the characteristics of the basic model and the options to be offered when a new automobile is being designed. Some empirical evidence available suggests that the choices made by generalized software designers are not always well founded; for example, some functions included in the software are hardly, if ever, used, while functions that would be used extensively are not available. To assist the designer, we formulate a market model showing the interactions between the producers (designers) of generalized software and the consumers (users) of generalized software. The model provides insight into those factors that affect the demand for a package and the variables to be considered in a profit-maximizing decision.
Research and Advances

Natural command names and initial learning: a study of text-editing terms

In the first of two studies of “naturalness” in command names, computer-naive typists composed instructions to “someone else” for correcting a sample text. There was great variety in their task-descriptive lexicon and a lack of correspondence between both their vocabulary and their underlying conceptions of the editing operations and those of some computerized text editors. In the second study, computer-naive typists spent two hours learning minimal text-editing systems that varied in several ways. Lexical naturalness (frequency of use in Study 1) made little difference in their performance. By contrast, having different, rather than the same names for operations requiring different syntax greatly reduced difficulty. It is concluded that the design of user-compatible commands involves deeper issues than are captured by the slogan “naturalness.” However, there are limitations to our observations. Only initial learning of a small set of commands was at issue and generalizations to other situations will require further testing.
Research and Advances

Flowcharts versus program design languages: an experimental comparison

An experiment was performed to assess the relative merits of program design languages (PDLs) and flowcharts as techniques for the development and documentation of detailed designs for computer programs. The use of a PDL by a software designer, for the development and description of a detailed program design, produced better results than did the use of flowcharts. Specifically, the designs appeared to be of significantly better quality, involving more algorithmic or procedural detail, than those produced using flowcharts. In addition, flowchart designs exhibited considerably more abbreviation and other space-saving practices than did PDL designs, with a possible adverse effect on their readability. When equivalent, highly readable designs were presented to subjects in both PDL and flowchart form, no pattern of short-term or long-term differences in comprehension of the design was observed. No significant differences were detected in the quality or other properties of programs written as implementations of the designs. Subjective ratings indicated a mild preference for PDLs. Overall, the results suggest that software design performance and designer-programmer communication might be significantly improved by the adoption of informal PDLs rather than flowcharts as a standard documentation method for detailed computer program designs.
Research and Advances

Power, politics, and MIS implementation

Theories of resistance to management information systems (MIS) are important because they guide the implementation strategies and tactics chosen by implementors. Three basic theories of the causes of resistance underlie many prescriptions and rules for MIS implementation. Simply stated, people resist MIS because of their own internal factors, because of poor system design, and because of the interaction of specific system design features with aspects of the organizational context of system use. These theories differ in their basic assumptions about systems, organizations, and resistance; they also differ in predictions that can be derived from them and in their implications for the implementation process. These differences are described and the task of evaluating the theories on the bases of the differences is begun. Data from a case study are used to illustrate the theories and to demonstrate the superiority, for implementors, of the interaction theory.
Research and Advances

Prototyping interactive information systems

Applying prototype-oriented development processes to computerized application systems significantly improves the likelihood that useful systems will be developed and that the overall development cycle will be shortened. The prototype development methodology and development tool presented here have been widely applied to the development of interactive information systems in the commercial data processing setting. The effectiveness and relationship to other applications is discussed.
Research and Advances

DOCUMENTS: an interactive online solution to four documentation problems

An adequate delivery system for user documentation addresses the problems of easy access, versatile publication, convenient administration, and good document quality. At the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center the DOCUMENT program helps solve these problems by providing a high level of service through strategies that can readily be exported to other contexts. Dividing machine-readable documents into keyword windows permits fully online, subject-oriented access to all passages. An adaptive, three-tier user interface extends flexible viewing control to novices and experts alike. DOCUMENT also supports online subject, title, and date catalogs, and provides on-demand output of hardcopy and microfiche. Several other document delivery systems are compared with DOCUMENT, and all have more rigid human interfaces, more structural display units for text, or more cumbersome output options.
Research and Advances

Math proficiency: a key to success for computer science students

A computer science aptitude predictor was administered to students enrolled in a first technical course in computer science to determine potential for success. The study revealed significant differences in the scoring between students who withdrew from the course and those students who did not. The causes for the differences all related to the students' mathematical background: high school performance, previous computer science education, and the number of college mathematics courses taken.
Research and Advances

The dynamics of software project scheduling

Software project scheduling is one of the major problem areas faced by software project managers today. While several quantitative software project resource and schedule estimation methods have been developed, such techniques raise some important, but as yet unresolved, dynamic issues. A systems dynamics (SD) approach is used to analyze several key dynamic software project scheduling issues.
Research and Advances

Composing letters with a simulated listening typewriter

With a listening typewriter, what an author says would be automatically recognized and displayed in front of him or her. However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide people with a reliable listening typewriter. An aim of our experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for composing letters. Participants dictated letters, either in isolated words or in consecutive word speech. They did this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognized either a limited vocabulary (1000 or 5000 words)or an unlimited vocabulary. Results suggest that some versions, even upon first using them, could be at least as good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating. Isolated word speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter.
Research and Advances

Job and health implications of VDT use: initial results of the Wisconsin-NIOSH study

Magnitudes and correlates of stress were investigated among 248 office workplace VDT users and 85 nonuser counterparts using field survey and objective physical measurement techniques. Other than a tenuous indication of increased eyestrain and reduced psychological disturbances among users, the two groups were largely undifferentiated on job-attitudinal, affective, and somatic manifestations of stress. However, aspects of working conditions were judged less favorably by VDT users. Stress mechanisms were much the same for both groups, involving psychosocial as well as physical environmental job attributes. For VDT users, the chair and workstation configuration were particularly important predictors of musculo-skeletal disturbances, as were corrective eyewear use and ambient lighting for visuo-ocular disturbances.
Research and Advances

Remote office work: changing work patterns in space and time

Remote work refers to organizational work that is performed outside of the normal organizational confines of space and time. The term telecommuting refers to the substitution of communications capabilities for travel to a central work location. Office automation technology permits many office workers to be potential telecommuters in that their work can be performed remotely with computer and communications support. This paper examines some behavioral, organizational, and social issues surrounding remote work, particularly work at home. An exploratory study was conducted of 32 organizational employees who were working at home. Important characteristics of jobs that can be performed at home were: minimum physical requirements, individual control over work pace, defined deliverables, a need for concentration, and a relatively low need for communication. The individuals who worked at home successfully were found to be highly self-motivated and self-disciplined and to have skills which provided them with bargaining power. They also made the arrangement either because of family requirements or because they preferred few social contacts beyond family.
Research and Advances

On the synthesis of decision tables

Synthesis of decision rules, each depicting a part of a decision process, is necessary in order to know the decision process in total perspective and to validate the consistency and the correctness of the decision logic. This paper proposes a method to synthesize a set of decision tables, each one of them representing a part of the decision logic, and thus serves as a tool for the system analyst in the system design phase.
Research and Advances

Regulation of electronic funds transfer: impact and legal issues

This paper investigates the implications and impact of current legislation on the future of the electronic funds transfer systems (EFT). The relevant statutes are introduced and analyzed. Problem areas are discussed together with examples of court rulings. The investigation reveals that the regulations do not provide enough safeguards for the consumer and do not clear up the ambiguities from a combination of competing laws, regulations, and conflicting jurisdictions. Legislators, on both the national and state level, and federal and state governments need to cooperate more closely to produce uniform legislation that specifically addresses the current problems in an EFT environment. Courts need to realize the legislature's intent and the benefits that can be gained before ruling on the current issues.

ACM forum

This is a comment on “File Archival Techniques Using Data Compression” by Michael Pechura [Communications, Sept. 1982, p. 605]. We approached the data compression problem with the aim of maximizing the saving in archival storage over all files for which archival storage was necessary. We also wanted a routine which was reasonably economic in use of system resource.
Research and Advances

Implementations for coalesced hashing

The coalesced hashing method is one of the faster searching methods known today. This paper is a practical study of coalesced hashing for use by those who intend to implement or further study the algorithm. Techniques are developed for tuning an important parameter that relates the sizes of the address region and the cellar in order to optimize the average running times of different implementations. A value for the parameter is reported that works well in most cases. Detailed graphs explain how the parameter can be tuned further to meet specific needs. The resulting tuned algorithm outperforms several well-known methods including standard coalesced hashing, separate (or direct) chaining, linear probing, and double hashing. A variety of related methods are also analyzed including deletion algorithms, a new and improved insertion strategy called varied-insertion, and applications to external searching on secondary storage devices.
Research and Advances

HISDL—a structure description language

The features of a language designed for the description of the structure of computer systems are described. The structure of a system is specified hierarchically as an interconnection of components with each component being a named instance of a component type. The system itself is another component type. The interconnection between components is specified in two ways: either by specifying all the ports that are connected together, or by specifying a component and the ports that are connected to its ports. A structure specification is a list of such connection specifications. The language has an iterative construct for specifying highly regular structures, and a conditional construct is also provided. A component type can be recursively specified while parameterization of component type specifications is supported. The latter is particularly useful for specifying classes of components of similar structure.

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