
Research and Advances

report on CCITT data communications study group meeting

Data communications was the subject of a two-week meeting held 24 September through 4 October 1963, in Geneva, Switzerland, by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) Special Study Group A. Previous meetings of this group had been held in Geneva in April, 1960, and October, 1961. The CCITT has traditionally been responsible for all standardization activities involving the public telecommunications network of the world. Among the 150 participants, there were eleven USA representatives who represented the Government, various business machine companies and the common carriers.
Research and Advances

Computation’s development critical to our society

The ACM's growth continues: we are now at 13,000 members; expenses also grow. Our professional membership does not spring from a uniformly trained group as in mathematics or physics or even economics. Instead, our increasing membership comes from what I might call intellectual adventures—pioneers in an over-organized society—who see great futures in computing at all levels of aspiration.
Research and Advances

What is proprietary in mathematical programming?— impressions of a panel discussion

A panel discussion on “What is Proprietary in Mathematical Programming?” was sponsored by the Special Interest Committee on Mathematical Programming of the ACM during a Hall of Discussion/on September 7th at the 16TH National ACM meeting in Los Angeles. This note consists solely of the impressions garnered by the moderator of the panel and does not necessarily represent the position of any of the panelists or other participants in the discussion.

The international impact of computers

Just one year ago, I had the pleasure of surveying over 40 laboratories, factories and universities throughout Western Europe that were actively engaged in the computer field. Since then, many visitors from Europe have visited me and updated my information on the status of developments abroad.
Research and Advances

Operational compatability of systems—conventions

This project is engaged in (a) a program of research into the application of the concepts and techniques of modern data processing to the design of mechanical parts, and (b) the further development of automatic programming systems for numerically controlled machine tools. The project is a cooperative venture between the Computer Applications Group of the Electronic Systems Laboratory and the Design and Graphics Division of the Mechanical Engineering Department, and is sponsored by the Manufacturing Methods Division of the USAF Air Material Command through Contract AF-33(600)-40604.
Research and Advances

Statistical programs at the University of North Carolina

The Research Computation Center at the University of North Carolina has access to a UNIVAC 1105 general purpose digital computer for use in connection with data processing problems, theoretical studies, and computer research. With respect to data processing problems, three major statistical programs have been written: General Contingency Table Analysis for Questionnaire Data Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Multiple Regression and Correlation Some of the concepts and ideas in these programs are new and may be of interest to other computation centers. Hence they are described below. The programs were written in the Remington Rand UNICODE language. Thus it would not be difficult to translate them into any other algebraic language, such as ALGOL, FORTRAN, or IT.

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