
Research and Advances

Hardware protection against software piracy

A system that prevents illicit duplication of proprietary software is suggested. It entails the customization of the programs for each computer by encryption. The use of a public key cryptogram for this purpose means that anyone can customize programs, but neither other programmers nor the people having complete access to the target computer can obtain copies that will run on other machines. A possible implementation of the system is considered in some detail. It is based on a hardware security unit that is attached to the computer and that decrypts and obeys some parts of the program.
Research and Advances

Determinants of program repair maintenance requirements

Considerable resources are devoted to the maintenance of programs including that required to correct errors not discovered until after the programs are delivered to the user. A number of factors are believed to affect the occurrence of these errors, e.g., the complexity of the programs, the intensity with which programs are used, and the programming style. Several hundred programs making up a manufacturing support system are analyzed to study the relationships between the number of delivered errors and measures of the programs' size and complexity (particularly as measured by software science metrics), frequency of use, and age. Not surprisingly, program size is found to be the best predictor of repair maintenance requirements. Repair maintenance is more highly correlated with the number of lines of source code in the program than it is to software science metrics, which is surprising in light of previously reported results. Actual error rate is found to be much higher than that which would be predicted from program characteristics.

From Washington

We are entering a new era in very high performance computing that will be dominated by parallel architectured systems. It is critical for the United States to maintain its leadership as this new era, with its broadened applications, evolves over the next decade. Toward this end the National Science Foundation sponsored a workshop in November 1983 to focus the collective strength of universities, industry, and government on projects for development of knowledge-intensive industries.
Research and Advances

The TWA reservation system

Where can you find a solid, forthright overview of the computer systems and management behind airline reservations? NASA's space shuttle? Or any of the multitude of other large computer systems that support important projects or national activities? It's hard, sometimes impossible: partly because the people who worked on such systems often do not have the time to write about their experiences: and partly because many professional journalists who interview these people do not have the technical background to ferret out answers to the fundamental design questions addressed in these systems.
Research and Advances

A large font virtual terminal interface: a software prosthesis for the visually impaired

A large font software interface running under UNIX1 is of great assistance to the severely visually impaired in the interactive use of computers. The interface, which functions as a virtual terminal as far as other processes are concerned, displays all characters (both user and system generated) at user-selectable degrees of magnification, yet is compatible with any standard CRT/keyboard terminal.

From Washington: NSF takes the initiative

The National Science Foundation's Advisory Committee for Advanced Scientific Computing Resources was formed to provide leadership for large-scale scientific computing throughout the United States. Consisting of 15 members representing universities, industry, and national laboratories, the Committee held its first meeting in January 1984. A summary of the meeting issued by Chairman Neal F. Lane of Rice University makes the following points.
Research and Advances

Computer matching: should it be banned?

Since discovering the technique of computer matching several years ago, government managers have been invoking this computer tool in the attempt to root out waste and fraud in their programs. Is computer matching an indispensable tool for government administrators? Or a trampling on individual rights? In the following articles, two experts debate the pros and cons.
Research and Advances

Accommodating uncertainty in software design

Recognition that most software is domain dependent (DD) is extremely important because the most commonly used software life-cycle models are not adequate for DD software. The nature of DD software, and the need to manage its life cycle effectively, calls for a new approach to software design and the implementation of software development environments.
Research and Advances

Evolution and organizational information systems: an assessment of Nolan's stage model

Richard Nolan's stage model is the best known and most widely cited model of computing evolution in organizations. The model's development over a decade demonstrates its own evolution from a simple theory, based on the factoring of change states indicated by changes in computing budgets, to an elaborate account of the characteristics of six stages of computing growth. An analysis of the model's logical and empirical structure reveals a number of problems in its formulation that help to account for the fact that its principal tenets have not been independently validated. The model is shown to be an “evolutionistic” theory within the theories of evolution in the social sciences, focusing on assumed directions of growth and an implied end state toward which growth proceeds, and suffering from problems inherent in such theories. Further research based on an “evolutionary” view of computing growth is suggested as a means of improving theories of computing in organizations.
Research and Advances

A critque of the stage hypothesis: theory and empirical evidence

The stage hypothesis on the assimilation of computing technology provides one of the most popular models for describing and managing the growth of administrative information systems. Despite little formal evidence of its reliability or robustness, it has achieved a high level of acceptance among practitioners. We describe and summarize the findings of seven empirical studies conducted during the past six years that tested various hypotheses derived from this model. The accumulation of evidence from these studies casts considerable doubt on the validity of the stage hypothesis as an explanatory structure for the growth of computing in organizations. 3~

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