Intent-Based Networking for the Enterprise: A Modern Network Architecture
Computing Profession
Starlink’s Critical Vulnerability, or Elon Musk is Not Worrying in Vain
Choosing a DAST Solution: What to Pay Attention To
Deep Learning is Human, Through and Through
Data Loss Prevention vs. Data-Centric Audit and Protection: What Is the Difference?
Data Governance and the Psychology of Tension Management
Three Risks Facing Higher Education
In Pursuit of an International Computation Center in Europe
Reflections on the AI Bill of Rights Blueprint
Computing’s Grand Challenge for Sustainability
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
Hidden Malware Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Risks
In Memoriam: Juris Hartmanis 1928-2022
Data Platforms and Network Effects
Assessing the Quantum-Computing Landscape
Should Young Computer Scientists Stop Collaborating with Their Doctoral Advisors?
Technical Perspective: Traffic Classification in the Era of Deep Learning
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