
Research and Advances

A multiprogramming environment for online data acquistion and analysis

An experimental system for acquisition and analysis of large bodies of data derived from scientific experiments is described. Its architecture and implementation is largely based on certain objectives and characteristics of a general data analysis scheme. Early applications have been oriented towards the investigation of data obtained in biological research. Some of the problems encountered by the chosen approach are discussed.
Research and Advances

Algorithms for finding a fundamental set of cycles for an undirected linear graph

Given the adjacency matrix of the graph, the algorithm presented in this paper finds a spanning tree and then constructs the set of fundamental cycles. Our algorithm is slower than an algorithm presented by Welch by a ratio of N/3 (N is the number of nodes) but requires less storage. For graphs with a large number of nodes and edges, when storage is limited our algorithm is superior to Welch's; however, when the graphs are small, or machine storage is very large, Welch's algorithm is superior. Timing estimates and storage requirements for both methods are presented.
Research and Advances

An online editor

An online, interactive system for text editing is described in detail, with remarks on the theoretical and experimental justification for its form. Emphasis throughout the system is on providing maximum convenience and power for the user. Notable features are its ability to handle any piece of text, the content-searching facility, and the character-by-character editing operations. The editor can be programmed to a limited extent.
Research and Advances

On the expected gain from adjusting matched term retrieval systems

A file adjustment procedure based on maximizing the Bayes expected gain is proposed for matched term retrieval systems. The expected gain and its probability distribution are derived as a function of: (1) the prior proportion of omitted terms, and (2) the coefficient of separation between two distributions corresponding to values of an adjustment statistic. An example evaluates the gain parameters for a typical information retrieval system.
Research and Advances

An experimental model of system/360

The problem of predicting the performance of modern computer systems is formidable. One general technique which can ease this problem is macroscopic simulation. This paper reports on the applicability of that technique to System/360. The paper describes an experimental model of System/360—its hardware, software, and its environment. The measures of system performance produced by the model consist of statistics relating to turnaround time, throughput, hardware utilization, software utilization, and queueing processes. The model is mechanized in SIMSCRIPT and consists of some 1750 statements. An auxiliary program, the Job Generator, creates automatically the properties of System/360 jobs that get simulated.
Research and Advances

Methods for analyzing data from computer simulation experiments

This paper addresses itself to the problem of analyzing data generated by computer simulations of economic systems. We first turn to a hypothetical firm, whose operation is represented by a single-channel, multistation queueing model. The firm seeks to maximize total expected profit for the coming period by selecting one of five operating plans, where each plan incorporates a certain marketing strategy, an allocation of productive inputs, and a total cost. The results of the simulated activity under each plan are subjected to an F-test, two multiple comparison methods, and a multiple ranking method. We illustrate, compare, and evaluate these techniques. The paper adopts the position that the particular technique of analysis (possibly not any one of the above) chosen by the experimenter should be an expression of his experimental objective: The F-test tests the homogeneity of the plans; multiple comparison methods quantify their differences; and multiple ranking methods directly identify the one best plan or best plans.
Research and Advances

A computer technique for displaying n-dimensional hyperobjects

A digital computer and automatic plotter have been used to generate three-dimensional stereoscopic movies of the three-dimensional parallel and perspective projections of four-dimensional hyperobjects rotating in four-dimensional space. The observed projections and their motions were a direct extension of three-dimensional experience, but no profound "feeling" or insight into the fourth spatial dimension was obtained. The technique can be generalized to n-dimensions and applied to any n-dimensional hyperobject or hypersurface.
Research and Advances

Towards standards for handwritten zero and oh: much ado about nothing (and a letter), or a partial dossier on distinguishing between handwritten zero and oh

The Chairman of the ACM Standards Committee, Julien Green, has charged me with making “more effective use of CACM for communication … to get grass-roots opinions from the ACM membership.” This paper is the first attempt. A partial dossier on distinguishing between handwritten zero and the letter oh is assembled here. This presentation was triggered by a request for guidance in this matter presented by the United Kingdom Delegation to ISO/TC97/SC2, Character Sets and Coding, at the meeting in Paris on 1967 March 13-16. The matter is just now in the province of USASI X3.6, to which comments might be directed. Comments will be expected within sixty days [by approximately October 1st].
Research and Advances

The simulation of time sharing systems

The development of new large scale time-sharing systems has raised a number of problems for computation center management. Not only is it necessary to develop an appropriate hardware configuration for these systems, but appropriate software adjustments must be made. Unfortunately, these systems often do not respond to changes in the manner that intuition would suggest, and there are few guides to assist in the analysis of performance characteristics. The development of a comprehensive simulation model to assist in the investigation of these questions is described in this paper. The resulting model has a general purpose design and can be used to study a variety of time-sharing systems. It can also be used to assist in the design and development of new time-sharing algorithms or techniques. For the sake of efficiency and greater applicability, the model was implemented in a limited FORTRAN subset that is compatible with most FORTRAN IV compilers. The use of the simulation is demonstrated by a study of the IBM 360/67 time-sharing system.

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