
Research and Advances

Efficient distributed event-driven simulations of multiple-loop networks

Simulating asynchronous multiple-loop networks is commonly considered a difficult task for parallel programming. Two examples of asynchronous multiple-loop networks are presented in this article: a stylized queuing system and an Ising model. In both cases, the network is an n × n grid on a torus and includes at least an order of n2 feedback loops. A new distributed simulation algorithm is demonstrated on these two examples. The algorithm combines three elements: (1) the bounded lag restriction; (2) minimum propagation delays; and (3) the so-called opaque periods. We prove that if N processing elements (PEs) execute the algorithm in parallel and the simulated system exhibits sufficient density of events, then, on average, processing one event would require O(log N) instructions of one PE. Experiments on a shared memory MIMD bus computer (Sequent's Balance) and on a SIMD computer (Connection Machine) show speed-ups greater than 16 on 25 PEs of a Balance and greater than1900 on 214 PEs of a Connection Machine.
Research and Advances

The number of buffers required for sequential processing of a disk file

The number of buffers required for sequential processing of disk files is investigated with the assumption that there is a single user served by two processors: one reads blocks from the disk into buffers in main memory, while the other processor processes the buffers. If processing is faster than reading, then two buffers suffice. However, if processing is slower, using only two buffers does not guarantee minimum completion time. The minimal required number of buffers is calculated in this article.
Research and Advances

A subset coloring algorithm and its applications to computer graphics

We consider the following problem: we are given a diagram made up of intersecting circles, where each region is colored either black or white. We wish to display this diagram on a bitmap device, where we are allowed to (i) paint a given circle white and (ii) invert the colors within a given circle, changing white to black and vice versa. (These operations are frequently provided in graphics hardware or software.) We ask: using only these paint and invert operations, is it possible to draw the diagram? A generalization of this problem leads to an analogous coloring problem on a subset of the power set of n elements. We give a polynomial-time algorithm that answers the question above, and produces a "short" sequence of instructions to draw the diagram, if one exists. A simple modification of the algorithm permits us to handle the case where there are more colors than just black and white, and the colors are represented by bit strings. This corresponds to the conventions frequently used with color raster devices.
Research and Advances

HAM: a general purpose hypertext abstract machine

The HAM is a transaction-based server for a hyper text storage system. The server is designed to handle multiple users in a networked environment. The storage system consists of a collection of contexts, nodes, links, and attributes that make up a hypertext graph. The versatility of the HAM can be illustrated by showing how Guide buttons, intermedia webs, and NoteCard FileBoxes can be implemented using its storage model.
Research and Advances

On visual formalisms

The higraph, a general kind of diagramming object, forms a visual formalism of topological nature. Higraphs are suited for a wide array of applications to databases, knowledge representation, and, most notably, the behavioral specification of complex concurrent systems using the higraph-based language of statecharts.
Research and Advances

Distributed programming in Argus

Argus—a programming language and system developed to support the implementation and execution of distributed programs—provides mechanisms that help programmers cope with the special problems that arise in distributed programs, such as network partitions and crashes of remote nodes.
Research and Advances

The V distributed system

The V distributed System was developed at Stanford University as part of a research project to explore issues in distributed systems. Aspects of the design suggest important directions for the design of future operating systems and communication systems.
Research and Advances

Pattern formation and chaos in networks

Chaos theory involves the study of how complicated behavior can arise in systems that are based on simple rules, and how minute changes in the input of a system can lead to great differences in the output. Using computer graphics, the dynamic behavior of chaos-producing networks is explored, and convergence maps reveal a visually striking and intricate class of displayable objects.
Research and Advances

A fair share scheduler

Central-processing-unit schedulers have traditionally allocated resources fairly among processes. By contrast, a fair Share scheduler allocates resources so that users get their fair machine share over a long period.

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