
Author Archives

Research and Advances

A base for a mobile programming system

An algorithm for a macro processor which has been used as the base of an implementation, by bootstrapping, of processors for programming languages is described. This algorithm can be easily implemented on contemporary computing machines. Experience with programming languages whose implementation is based on this algorithm indicates that such a language can be transferred to a new machine in less than one man-week without using the old machine.
Research and Advances

A language independent macro processor

The problem of obtaining starting values for the Newton-Raphson calculation of √x on a digital computer is considered. It is shown that the conventionally used best uniform approximations to √x do not provide optimal starting values. The problem of obtaining optimal starting values is stated, and several basic results are proved. A table of optimal polynomial starting values is given.
Research and Advances

An efficient procedure for the generation of closed subsets

An efficient algorithm is described for generating subsets of a set S which satisfy constraints of the form: “If si is a member of the subset, then sj must also be a member of the subset.” The algorithm has been programmed in the WISP language and successfully run on the IBM 7094 in connection with a routine to detect feedback in multidimensional iterative networks.
Research and Advances

A note on the formation of free list

The concept of an available-space list was introduced by Newell and Shaw [1] in 1957, and has since been incorporated into a number of different systems [2-5]. The available-space list (or “free list”) is a list of all available memory locations. It should initially be as large as possible, and ideally it would contain every cell not used by the program. The subject of this note is the initial formation of a free list on the IBM 7090-7094, using the FORTRAN II monitor, version 2. The method presented originated while the authors were working on an implementation of the WISP [5] system for the 7090 in cooperation with Prof. M. V. Wilkes and his colleagues.

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