Gamification in apps, services, and the workplace can make a task more fun and boost engagement. But it can have negative consequences as well.
Samuel Greengard
Design and engineering teams increasingly are turning to classical and generative AI to rethink, reinvent, and remake the modern microchip.
Space Exploration Blasts Off with AI
AI may be the new star in space exploration, but the technology remains parsecs away from its full potential.
Digital twins and other AI-powered simulations move climate forecasters and government officials closer to the goal of real-time forecasting and earlier warnings of extreme events.
The chip industry chases advances in lithography to support the next generation of computing devices.
Assistive Robotics Takes a Step Forward
Aiming to transform the lives of the disabled with technologies.
Builders increasingly are using the additive manufacturing process to “print” new homes.
Building artificial intelligence into medical devices can speed diagnoses and potentially improve treatments and outcomes.
Transitioning from classic 'programmed automation' to modern 'AI-powered autonomy.'
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