Research and Advances

Distributed processes: a concurrent programming concept

A language concept for concurrent processes without common variables is introduced. These processes communicate and synchronize by means of procedure calls and guarded regions. This concept is proposed for real-time applications controlled by microcomputer networks with distributed storage. The paper gives several examples of distributed processes and shows that they include procedures, coroutines, classes, monitors, processes, semaphores, buffers, path expressions, and input/output as special cases.


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Research and Advances

Structured multiprogramming

This paper presents a proposal for structured representation of multiprogramming in a high level language. The notation used explicitly associates a data structure shared by concurrent processes with operations defined on it. This clarifies the meaning of programs and permits a large class of time-dependent errors to be caught at compile time. A combination of critical regions and event variables enables the programmer to control scheduling of resources among competing processes to any degree desired. These concepts are sufficiently safe to use not only within operating systems but also within user programs.
Research and Advances

The nucleus of a multiprogramming system

This paper describes the philosophy and structure of a multi-programming system that can be extended with a hierarchy of operating systems to suit diverse requirements of program scheduling and resource allocation. The system nucleus simulates an environment in which program execution and input/output are handled uniformly as parallel, cooperating processes. A fundamental set of primitives allows the dynamic creation and control of a hierarchy of processes as well as the communication among them.

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