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Research and Advances

Supporting Statistical Electronic Table Usage By Citizens

Over 70 agencies at the federal level are charged with collecting data and producing and disseminating statistics. These statistics are used to inform government policy, shape health care initiatives, provide information on the state of the economy, and others. They also have significant impact on the lives of citizens who use the statistics, for example, to determine job opportunities, changes in social security benefits, and quality of life in particular areas. Our digital government project developed several specific technologies to support the location, manipulation, and understanding of a quintessential format for statistical information---the table.
Research and Advances


Information technologies are being applied vigorously by governmental units at national, regional, and local levels around the world. The application of IT to government service is often termed "e-government" and the larger concept of government that depends upon IT to achieve basic missions is termed "digital government." This distinction is, of course, lexically arbitrary, but serves to distinguish R&D specifically aimed at creating techniques for applying IT to government operations. Such R&D efforts also consider the long-term impact of these applications on citizens and government itself.
Research and Advances

Digital Libraries: Introduction

Digital libraries have evolved rapidly over the past decade and are now as varied as physical libraries. Although digital libraries have been driven mainly by developments in technology, progress has also been made in addressing the intellectual and social issues involved in sharing knowledge in digital forms. Building digital libraries involves the integration of complex […]
Research and Advances

The roles of digital libraries in teaching and learning

Libraries have long served crucial roles in learning. The first great library, in Alexandria 2,000 years ago, was really the first university. It consisted of a zoo and various cultural artifacts in addition to much of the ancient world's written knowledge and attracted scholars from around the Mediterranean, who lived and worked in a scholarly community for years at a time. Today, the rhetoric associated with the National/Global Information Infrastructure (N/GII) always includes examples of how the vast quantities of information that global networks provide (i.e., digital libraries) will be used in educational settings [16].

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