
Author Archives


Time to Change

The list of add-on features for Communications' Web site began to take form shortly after the site was launched two years ago, and was a starting point for revisions now under way. A streamlined and improved site will be available later this year.

School Grades Need Improvement

Much has been written over the last decade about the abysmal state of the education arms race in the U.S., particularly in the STEM disciplines. Two recent reports show how little has been done to redirect that trend and what will happen if the spiral does not end.

A Preference For PDF

When it comes to electronic formats, Communications readers prefer PDF to HTML, according to data on a year's worth of published articles. PDF's faithful reproduction of magazine pages appears to give it an edge. Legacy is another factor.

The Mobile Road Ahead

ACM is planning to launch a mobile version of the Communications website and a series of mobile applications in the coming months. We have been directly and indirectly collecting data from members for months to help guide our decision making.

Shape the Future of Computing

ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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