


2002 ACM Turing laureate Len Adleman, 2014 ACM Prize in Computing recipient Dan Boneh, 2015 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award recipient Brent Waters, and ACM Fellows Patrick McDaniel and Paul Van Oorschot discuss current issues in cybersecurity.

Consider Indirect Threats of AI, Too

Alan Bundy's Viewpoint "Smart Machines Are Not a Threat to Humanity" (Feb. 2017) was too limited in light of the recent accomplishments of artificial intelligence. Reducing the entire field to four "successful AI systems" does not give the full picture of the impact of AI on humanity.

ACM Recognizes New Fellows

ACM has recognized 53 of its members as ACM Fellows for major contributions in areas including artificial intelligence, cryptography, computer architecture, high performance computing, and programming languages.

Artificial Intelligence

To help celebrate 50 years of the ACM Turing Award and the visionaries who have received it, ACM has launched a campaign called "Panels in Print," which takes the form of a collection of responses from Turing laureates, ACM award recipients, and other ACM experts on a given topic or trend.

Learn to Live with Academic Rankings

No one likes being reduced to a number. For example, there is much more to my financial picture than my credit score. Yet it is used to make decisions that matter to me, as Moshe Y. Vardi discussed in his Editor’s Letter (Sept. 2016).

Election Auditing and Verifiability

Re "The Risks of Self-Auditing Systems" (June 2016): While Internet voting (like any remote-voting method) is indeed vulnerable to vote buying and selling, end-to-end verifiable voting is not.

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