

ACM A.M. Turing Award Nominations Solicited

Nominations are invited for the 2007 A.M. Turing Award. ACM’s oldest and most prestigious award is presented for contributions of a technical nature to the computing community. Although the long-term influences of the nominee’s work are taken into consideration, there should be a particular outstanding and trendsetting achievement for technical contributions, which constitutes the principal […]

SIGs Announce Candidates For Election

In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6, the following SIGs will hold elections in 2007: SIGAPP, SIGART, SIGBED, SIGecom, SIGOPS, SIGPLAN. ACM Policy and Procedures require that those SIGs holding elections notify their membership of candidates for elected offices. Here is a list of SIG(s) that have submitted their slate of candidates in addition to those […]

ACM Fellows

The ACM Fellows Program was established by Council in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as distinguished colleagues to whom the ACM and its members look for guidance and […]

News Track

A team of Hewlett-Packard scientists created a new computer chip design enabling an eightfold increase in the number of transistors on a chip without making the transistors smaller, reports the San Jose Mercury News. After a decade searching for new ways to boost chip performance as well as make elements of chips so small they […]

SIGs Announce Candidates For Election

In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6, the following SIGs will hold elections in 2007: SIGARCH, SIGCOMM, SIGCSE, SIGDOC, SIGEVO, SIGGRAPH, SIGIR, SIGITE, SIGMM, SIGSAM, and SIGWEB. ACM Policy and Procedures require that those SIGs holding elections notify their membership of candidates for elected offices. Below is a list of SIGs that have submitted their slate […]

Student De-Charter Notice

ACM is considering the de-charter of the following chapters due to inactivity Members interested in revitalizing their chapters should contact Lauren Ryan, Local Activities Coordinator, at ACM will terminate the chapters listed below after 90 days unless interested volunteers express a desire to reactivate their chapter by updating their bylaws and preparing acceptable revitalization […]

News Track

U.S. employers are now compelled to keep track of all email messages, instant messages, and other electronic documents generated by their employees, as per new federal rules that took effect last December. The Associated Press reports the legislation, approved by the U.S. Supreme Court, requires companies involved in federal litigation to produce "electronically stored information" […]

News Track

Rising energy consumption and fuel prices could lead to energy costs eating up more than one-third of IT budgets within the next five years, according to a Gartner Group report that notes IT power demand is just the "tip of a melting iceberg for an IT industry that is currently unsustainable." BusinessWeek reports CIOs and […]

ACM Annual Report For FY06

ACM is about to turn 60. We witnessed the birth of computing, ushered in the dawn of the information age, and reported the first voyages through cyberspace. And while an annual report is typically an exercise in reflection, ACM is always focused on tomorrow and the pivotal role it plays in sharing the kind of […]

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