
The End Is Not Clear

In his January 2023 Communications Viewpoint, "The End of Programming," Matt Welsh wrote "nobody actually understands how large AI models work." However, already no one person understands existing large computer systems.


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Neighborhood Watch

Vinton G. Cerf wonders "whether there is any possibility of establishing 'watcher networks'" in his October 2022 Communications "Cerf's Up" column. Philip K. Dick describes this problem in his story The Minority Report.

The Blood Price of Unrestricted Privacy

Reinhard von Hanxleden ends his May 2022 Communications Viewpoint by pointing out the unthinking application of unconditional criteria to privacy "seems like a dead end in the long run." It has already proven to be a "dead end" with a Germanwings airliner crash into a cliff in France caused by the copilot.

A Division in Computer Science

The January 2022 Editor-in-Chief's column "Is the Global Computing Community Irrevocably Divided?" raises an important question. From a computing perspective, it is difficult to attempt a complete answer, let alone a solution.

Common Ails

Michael A. Cusumano's October 2021 column, "Section 230 and a Tragedy of the Commons," contains some fundamental factual errors that further muddle a debate that already has been rife with inaccuracies.

Turing Reaction

The June 2021 Communications of the ACM celebrates Jeffrey Ullman and Alfred Aho as winners of ACM's 2020 Turing Award. For many Iranian members of the computing community, Ullman is the face of discrimination in academia.

Tales of Two Turings

In the June issue of Communications, Editor-in-Chief Andrew A. Chien suggested that ACM consider bestowing two A.M. Turing Awards per year. Reader reactions were thoughtful and provocative.

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