
Author Archives

Research and Advances

Information quality benchmarks: product and service performance

Information quality (IQ) is an inexact science in terms of assessment and benchmarks. Although various aspects of quality and information have been investigated [1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], there is still a critical need for a methodology that assesses how well organizations develop information products and deliver information services to consumers. Benchmarks developed from such a methodology can help compare information quality across organizations, and provide a baseline for assessing IQ improvements.
Research and Advances

Some realities of data administration

Little information exists on the practice of data administration, i.e., the management of data as an enterprise resource. A survey of data administrators at predominantly large enterprises was conducted to determine the extent of the existence of data administration and to assess its effectiveness as implemented. New insight into the realities of data administration, including its real-world objectives and perceived effectiveness, is presented.

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