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Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace

Readers of this column are familiar with descriptions of cybersecurity threats and potentially dire consequences, particularly as more critical activities become dependent on cyberspace. They also recognize the high ongoing burden of living with and defending against cyberattacks. At the same time, many policymakers (including those with responsibility for security) have a wide range of […]
Research and Advances

Performing remote operations efficiently on a local computer network

A communication model is described that can serve as a basis for a highly efficient communication subsystem for local networks. The model contains a taxonomy of communication instructions that can be implemented efficiently and can be a good basis for interprocessor communication. These communication instructions, called remote references, cause an operation to be performed by a remote process and, optionally, cause a value to be returned. This paper also presents implementation considerations for a communication system based upon the model and describes an experimental communication subsystem that provides one class of remote references. These remote references take about 150 microseconds or 50 average instruction times to perform on Xerox Alto computers connected by a 2.94 megabit Ethernet.

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