Confidential Computing or Cryptographic Computing?
Trade-offs between secure computation via cryptography and hardware enclaves.
Confidential Computing or Cryptographic Computing?
Trade-offs between secure computation via cryptography and hardware enclaves.
Recent work has combined pseudorandom starting structures and random techniques that use the framework of finite geometry.
The Gift That Keeps on Giving to Apple and Google
Technical arguments for keeping or upending the current Apple and Google mobile app store systems.
Laser communications technology demonstrated aboard NASA’s Psyche spacecraft could make the 140-million-mile distance from Earth to Mars feel much closer.
Reevaluating Google’s Reinforcement Learning for IC Macro Placement
Crosschecked data indicates that the integrity of a 2021 paper in Nature by Mirhoseini et al. is substantially undermined, owing to errors in conduct, analysis, and reporting.
The Paradigm Shifts in Artificial Intelligence
To understand the state of the art of AI and where it is heading, it is important to track its scientific history.
Between the two extreme visions of AI as a servant and AI as a sentient fighter-lover, resides an important and practical alternative: AI as a provocateur.
Confidential Computing or Cryptographic Computing?
Trade-offs between secure computation via cryptography and hardware enclaves.
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