Meta’s Hyperscale Infrastructure: Overview and Insights
A concise, high-level overview of Meta’s hyperscale infrastructure, with key insights from its development.
Meta’s Hyperscale Infrastructure: Overview and Insights
A concise, high-level overview of Meta’s hyperscale infrastructure, with key insights from its development.
Investigating Research Software Engineering: Toward RSE Research
It is necessary to build better domain-specific tooling to address the domain-specific challenges of research software and to establish RSE Research as a research field over RSE.
The realization of a self-designing software system is faced with key challenges.
Thinking of Algorithms as Institutions
Algorithms are not just lines of code; they are architectures that organize complex systems of interactions involving machines and humans.
The EU AI Act and the Wager on Trustworthy AI
The EU AI Act serves as a reminder for developers to always prioritize the well being of individuals and society as a whole.
Ethics and Cultural Background as Key Factors for an Attractive Metaverse
Lessons from South Korea could hold the key to more widespread adoption of the metaverse.
Reevaluating Google’s Reinforcement Learning for IC Macro Placement
Crosschecked data indicates that the integrity of a 2021 paper in Nature by Mirhoseini, Goldie, et al. is substantially undermined, owing to errors in conduct, analysis, and reporting.
The Paradigm Shifts in Artificial Intelligence
To understand the state of the art of AI and where it is heading, it is important to track its scientific history.
Advances in AI and HCI can power intelligent, interactive, and accessible reading interfaces to improve scholarly reading.
Between the two extreme visions of AI as a servant and AI as a sentient fighter-lover, resides an important and practical alternative: AI as a provocateur.
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