
News Track

Researchers at IBM Almaden Research Center have demonstrated the feasibility of a class of data storage called racetrack memory that combines the data storage of a magnetic hard disk with the speed and strength of flash memory at relatively low cost. Technology Review reports that, unlike flash, racetrack memory would not degrade over time. A […]

ACM A.M. Turing Award Nominations Solicited

Nominations are invited for the 2008 ACM A.M. Turing Award. ACM’s oldest and most prestigious award is presented for contributions of a technical nature to the computing community. Although the long-term influences of the nominee’s work are taken into consideration, there should be a particular outstanding and trendsetting technical achievement that constitutes the principal claim […]

News Track

Enrollment in computer science programs may have leveled off after the dot-com downturn, but that leveling happened only after the number of bachelor’s degree graduates hit a trough, reports Computerworld. In the latest statistics from the Computing Research Association (, which follows year-over-year enrollment and graduate trends from 170 Ph.D.-granting institutions, only 8,021 students graduated […]

ACM Honors Distinguished and Senior Members

ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of its members. The list of those members recognized as ACM Fellows in 2007 was published in the March 2008 issue of Communications (p. 22). Here, we list those members named senior members and distinguished engineer, scientist, or member in 2007. The Distinguished Engineer, […]

Call For Nominations For Advanced Member Grades in the ACM

ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members: Senior Member recognizes those ACM members, with at least 10 years of professional experience, that have demonstrated performance and accomplishment that set them apart. The list of recipients is found on: Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member recognizes those ACM members, […]

News Track

A new computerized look at the biomedical research literature has turned up tens of thousands of articles in which entire passages appear to have been lifted from other papers. In fact, researchers estimate there may be as many as 200,000 duplicates among some 17 million papers in the leading life sciences and biomedical research database […]

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