Open Source in Latin America -Venezuela I
An introduction to open source and its applications in South America.
I recently saw a Google Android phone at HotMobile 2009 and was intrigued by the drawing-based authentication mechanism built in. Basically, there's a 3x3 grid of dots, and to log in, you simply use your finger and draw a pattern across these dots, using each dot at most once.
Three Misconceptions About Human-Computer Interaction
Three misconceptions about the field of human-computer interaction, as observed by an AI researcher turned HCI researcher in a large corporate research lab
Making the Case For an ACM Fellow
Every year there are surely some qualified candidates for ACM Fellow who are rejected because their nomination and endorsements do not make the case as effectively as possible. Here are some ways to make a strong case.
Pipelining, Computing Innovation And Economic Growth
In this economic downturn, as everyone looks with a wary eye at discretionary spending, it is instructive to consider the role of computing technology and innovation in our global economy.
We are facing an increasing number of security failures, not because of problems with encryption algorithms, network protocols, or system implementations, but rather due to problems with the user interfaces of computer systems and the people that use those systems.
The United States certainly needs more and better computing educators, but that alone may not be enough to turn around declining enrollments in computing.
A Simple View of the Budget Process
An abstract view of how NSF gets its money, in the context of the federal budget process.
Shape the Future of Computing
ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.
Get InvolvedCommunications of the ACM (CACM) is now a fully Open Access publication.
By opening CACM to the world, we hope to increase engagement among the broader computer science community and encourage non-members to discover the rich resources ACM has to offer.
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