
E-Government in Latin America

According to wikipedia: e-Government  is a diffused neologism used to refer to the use of information and communication technology to provide and improve government services, transactions and interactions with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.
In February, President Obama pegged Melissa Hathaway of the National Security Council to do a 60-day review of the nation’s cybersecurity policy. Midway through the 60 days, her office called me at the National Science Foundation asking me to reach out to the academic community of researchers and educators for their input.

Building a Smarter Web

As more information moves to the Web, we need better tools to manage it. Today's tools focus on static Web pages. However, I claim that the Web is becoming a platform for applications, and tools that track user activity with these applications are needed.

Helping Younger People Protect Themselves from Security Attacks

One potentially disturbing trend that came out in a recent eCrime meeting is that younger people 18-24 years old seem to be more susceptible to phishing attacks, roughly by a factor of three. It's likely that this translates into other kinds of security attacks as well. At this point, our understanding of young people and security is still murky, and it will require more work to understand the problem so that we can devise appropriate solutions.

High-Performance Computing: Where

By definition, the raison d’être for high-performance computing is high performance, but floating point operations per second (FLOPS) need not be the only measure. Human productivity, total cost and time to solution are equally, if not more important.

When Petascale Is Just Too Slow

Evolution or revolution, it’s the persistent question. Can we build reliable esascale systems from extrapolations of current technology or will new approaches be required? There is no definitive answer, as almost any approach might be made to work at some level with enough heroic effort. The bigger question is what design would enable the most breakthrough scientific research in a reliable and cost effective way?

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