
SIGCSE 2010: Carl E. Wieman Keynote

Physicist Carl E. Wieman’s keynote speech at SIGCSE 2010, "Science Education for the 21st Century: Using the Insights of Science to Teach/Learn Science," focused on a scientific approach to the teaching and learning of all sciences. 

CSCW Day 3: Homelessness & Technology

 As I looked out the window of my plane at the sun setting on the horizon, turning the clouds a deep red, I began piecing my thoughts together for this final blog post on CSCW '10. In Time Travel is Now Possible and Investigating Old Problems in a New Light, I focused my posts on a general overview of the conference papers being presented and in this post I am focusing on just one talk (it was all I was able to attend on the final day due to a flight and some other obligations).

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