Preparation for Building the First Swiss Digital Computer (Ermeth)
Integrating Computing in School Subjects: A Conceptual Framework for Design and Analysis
Closing the ‘Trust Gap’ in Contact Tracing/Exposure Notification Technology
Can Research Universities Become Exponential?
3 Proposals to Change How We Teach Computing In Order to Reduce Inequality
How WWII Was Won, and Why CS Students Feel Unappreciated
Towards Equity in K-12 Computer Science Education: Consistency, Cumulativity and Competencies
The Software that Led to the Lockdown
Restoring Industry Participation in Computer Science Conferences
Ten Challenges of Data Science Education
Computing Ethics and Teaching It
Transitioning to Distance Learning and Virtual Conferencing
‘Underrepresented Minority’ Considered Harmful, Racist Language
The Advantages of Teaching Soft Skills to CS Undergrads Online
Technology in the Time of Cataclysms
Automatic Translators are Not Really Capable of Learning
CS Teachers, It’s (Past) Time To Learn About Race
Detecting/Preventing Infections, and Moving Instruction Online
The Virus Analogy and Validation
The Remote Revolution Has to be Driven by Output, Not Salaries
Is A (Nearly) Zero-Cost Model Plausible for Science and Engineering Programs?
The World’s Largest Commercial Cylindrical Slide Rule has a Scale Length of 24m
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