Displaying 17-32 of 3325 results for advanced.
Research and Advances

Advanced programming and the aims of standardization

Some of the most advanced programming techniques have emerged either because of the complete lack of coordinated standards, or because there was too rigid standardization and too soon, whether it was planned that way or not. The standardization that was lacking, or too rigid, was in programming techniques, programming languages, programming terminology, equipment techniques, available equipment, and specification and documentation methods for equipment, programs, languages, and problems to be solved. For example, common programming languages developed because of the lack of standardized equipment or languages for their use.
Research and Advances

The GRE advanced test in computer science

This report describes the Advanced Test in Computer Science which was recently introduced in the Graduate Record Examination Program. The GRE program is described in general, and, the events leading to the establishment of the Advanced Computer Science Test are discussed. Content specifications and their rationale are given. A set of sample questions is included.
Research and Advances

Mxec: parallel processing with an advanced macro facility

Mxec is a sophisticated computing environment (executive system) which extends and magnifies users' interactions with a computer. Principally, Mxec provides for parallel processing and also assumes many of the mundane, clerical tasks with which users of most systems find themselves burdened. Some of the characteristics of the Mxec system are given, and its motivation and implementation are discussed.
Research and Advances

Requirements for advanced programming systems for list processing

List processing systems should be designed to facilitate production of large programs to manipulate large complex symbolic data stores. This paper presents an overview of a number of system features which the author feels are important to improve the productivity of programmers working in such domains. A systems view is taken, rather than focusing just on language features, since algorithms must be not only coded in a language form, but debugged, modified, made efficient, and run on data. Because of this general framework, the requirements specified are applicable to the design of advanced programming systems for a wide range of applications. Three aspects of programming systems are highlighted: good interactive facilities, programmable control structures, and sophisticated data communication mechanisms. Interactive features are described to facilitate program composition, entry, testing, debugging, editing, optimization, and packaging. Implementation of a generalized environment structure model specified would allow programming of various control regimes including multiprocesses, coroutines and backtracking. Alternative methods of procedure invocation required include invocation by pattern and by monitoring condition. The need for extended data forms, storage management, and extensibility are stressed, as is the duality of data retrieval and function evaluation. Syntax directed input and output of data would facilitate use of complex data stores.

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SQL: Advanced Querying

This course covers how to use advanced techniques for querying a database, query with subqueries, add data to a database, change and delete data from a database, create, alter, and delete tables, and create, use, and delete views.  (Duration: 210 minutes)

Visual C#.NET: Advanced

You have already entered into the new world of .NET programming by using some of the basic features of the C# programming language and the Visual C#.NET integrated development environment inside Visual Studio.NET. Building on the basics, you are now ready to pursue the advanced aspects of Visual C#.NET programming that are introduced in this course. (Duration: 1069 minutes)

WordPerfect 9.0: Advanced

After completing this course, you'll be acquainted with WordPerfect settings; creating and editing toolbars; creating, modifying, and using an address book; creating and working with SpeedLinks and comments; working with TextArt and watermarks; working with a master document; and creating a table of contents and an index.

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