The ICPS complements publications from existing ACM-supported venues by allowing the results of high-quality research meetings not formally sponsored by ACM or its SIGs to be distributed via the ACM Digital Library. Entries will carry a distinctive logo indicating they are published as an ICPS member.
First initiated in 2002, the ICPS has successfully provided conference organizers a means of electronically publishing proceedings that ensures high visibility and wide distribution. Over 400 volumes have been published in the last eight years.
The goal is to establish the series as a major research venue that is trusted by researchers to handle high-quality academic papers arising from workshops, research meetings, and smaller conferences. We wish the series to provide a publication outlet for a broad range of research meetings that often find it difficult to make high-quality research available to a broad population. These might include:
Research workshops and smaller conferences from emerging domains seeking to establish new research areas in computing. The ICPS offers these communities the opportunity to reach a broad audience through the ACM Digital Library.
Specialist meetings focusing on the issues surrounding a detailed research domain or topic that tends to have smaller numbers of attendees but high potential impact. The ICPS offers these meetings an archival venue and broad distribution across the woldwide computing community.
Interdisciplinary meetings, where researchers work across disciplinary boundaries, is of growing importance in domains such as cyber-infrastructure and e-research. Current topics include synthetic biology, privacy, and ethics. The ICPS offers an early publication venue that spans the various constituent disciplines involved.
Agenda-setting workshops, where leading researchers gather to reflect on key critical challenges and debate issues surrounding computing and its use, are often important in shaping our discipline. Publication through the series allows this work to be shared be a broad community.
"Over the coming years we hope the International Conference Proceedings Series will emerge as a venue that is trusted by researchers to publish novel and adventurous work of the highest possible quality."
The success of the ICPS is first and foremost dependant on the quality of the work that is published. Over the coming years we hope to emerge as a venue that is trusted by researchers to publish novel and adventurous work of the highest possible quality. If you are involved in a meeting that will produce high-quality research you feel would benefit from publication through the ACM Digital Library, I strongly encourage you to provide details of your meeting for consideration in the ICPS. Submission details can be found at http://www.acm.org/publications/icp_series.
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