October 2016 - Vol. 59 No. 10
Opinion Departments
It is rare for research studies in computing to be reproduced. This seems odd, since we have an advantage over science done in wet labs. There is no reason for us not to be leaders in practices that enable audit and reuse when technically and legally possible.
The Greeks and the Romans carved letters in stone and these are still eminently readable over 2,000 years later. Newer media have not been around as long but I think it is arguable that the more recent media do not have the resilience of stone or baked clay.
Exploring ways to push more data through a fiber one-tenth the thickness of the average human hair.
While 3D technologies that make headlines are not truly holographic, holographic techniques are furthering advances in important applications such as biomedical imaging.
Opinion Technology strategy and management
The Puzzle of Japanese Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Exploring how Japan's unique mixture of social, educational, and corporate practices influence entrepreneurial activity.
Opinion Global computing
Mobile Computing and Political Transformation
Connecting increased mobile phone usage with political and market liberalization.
Opinion Kode vicious
Naming the next generation and remembering that the cloud is just other people's computers.
Opinion Inside risks
Risks of Automation: A Cautionary Total-System Perspective of Our Cyberfuture
Where automation is inevitable, let's do it right.
Opinion Viewpoint
Universities and Computer Science in the European Crisis of Refugees
Considering the role of universities in promoting tolerance as well as education.
Idle-Time Garbage-Collection Scheduling
Taking advantage of idleness to reduce dropped frames and memory consumption.
Just because you have been doing it the same way doesn't mean you are doing it the right way.
Dynamics of Change: Why Reactivity Matters
Tame the dynamics of change by centralizing each concern in its own module.
Research and Advances Contributed articles
Rethinking Security For Internet Routing
Combine simple whitelisting technology, notably prefix filtering, in most BGP-speaking routers with weaker cryptographic protocols.
Research and Advances Contributed articles
Ethical Considerations in Network Measurement Papers
The most important consideration is how the collection of measurements may affect a person's well-being.
Research and Advances Review articles
A Brief Chronology of Medical Device Security
With the implantation of software-driven devices comes unique privacy and security threats to the human body.
Research and Advances Research highlights
"Incremental, Iterative Data Processing with Timely Dataflow" describes Naiad, which combines three classes of dataflow systems, supporting high-throughput batch processing queries, low-latency data stream queries, and iterative programs in a single framework.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Incremental, Iterative Data Processing with Timely Dataflow
We describe the timely dataflow model for distributed computation and its implementation in the Naiad system.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Technical Perspective: The Power of Parallelizing Computations
"Efficient Parallelization Using Rank Convergence in Dynamic Programming Algorithms" shows how some instances of dynamic programming can be effectively parallelized by taking advantage of the algebraic properties of the underlying computations.
Research and Advances Research highlights
Efficient Parallelization Using Rank Convergence in Dynamic Programming Algorithms
This paper proposes an efficient parallel algorithm for an important class of dynamic programming problems that includes Viterbi, Needleman-Wunsch, Smith-Waterman, and Longest Common Subsequence.
Opinion Last byte
In this cooperative game, two players want to meet each other in a graph as quickly as possible.