January 2011 - Vol. 54 No. 1

January 2011 issue cover image


Opinion Letters to the editor

To Change the World, Take a Chance

Some of what Constantine Dovrolis said in the Point/Counterpoint "Future Internet Architecture: Clean-Slate Versus Evolutionary Research" (Sept. 2010) made sense. But I found his "pragmatic vision" argument neither pragmatic nor visionary.

In the Virtual Extension

To ensure the timely publication of articles, Communications created the Virtual Extension to expand the page limitations of the print edition by bringing readers the same high-quality articles in an online-only format.

ACM’s Annual Report

It has truly been a banner year for ACM. We firmly established ACM hubs in Europe, India, and China after years of exhaustive efforts to expand the Association's global reach. And, ACM membership ended the year at another all-time high.
Research and Advances Research highlights

Sora: High-Performance Software Radio Using General-Purpose Multi-Core Processors

Sora, a fully programmable software radio platform on commodity PC architectures, combines the performance and fidelity of hardware software-defined radio platforms with the programmability and flexibility of general-purpose processor SDR platforms.

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