January 1987 - Vol. 30 No. 1

January 1987 issue cover image


Research and Advances

Beyond the chalkboard: computer support for collaboration and problem solving in meetings

Although individual use of computers is fairly widespread, in meetings we tend to leave them behind. At Xerox PARC, an experimental meeting room called the Colab has been created to study computer support of collaborative problem solving in face-to-face meetings. The long-term goal is to understand how to build computer tools to make meetings more effective.
Research and Advances

MATCH—a new high-level relational operator for pattern matching

Pattern matching is a common and fundamental operation of many applications, such as expert systems (ES). With continued growth the knowledge bases of such systems will need database management systems (DBMS) support. Providing this support will require extending DBMS to meet the needs of these systems. We have developed an operator that extends the relational data model to do pattern matching with very complex stored patterns.

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