Achieving Gender Equity: ACM-W Can't Do It Alone
February 2018 - Vol. 61 No. 2

A Comprehensive Self-Driving Car Test
Toward an Equation that Anticipates AI Risks
Protecting the Power Grid, and Finding Bias in Student Evaluations
Quantum Technology Forgoes Unconditional Security to Extend its Reach
The War Over the Value of Personal Data
Risks of Trusting the Physics of Sensors
The Inclusive and Accessible Workplace
Teaching Artificial Intelligence and Humanity
Titus: Introducing Containers to the Netflix Cloud
Research For Practice: Private Online Communication; Highlights in Systems Verification
The Next Phase in the Digital Revolution: Intelligent Tools, Platforms, Growth, Employment
A Large-Scale Comparative Study of Beta Testers and Regular Users
Elements of the Theory of Dynamic Networks
Technical Perspective: Building Bug-Free Compilers
Practical Verification of Peephole Optimizations with Alive
Technical Perspective: Designing Algorithms and the Fairness Criteria They Should Satisfy
Which Is the Fairest (Rent Division) of Them All?
Who can say no to the hive mind's promise of cybernetic immortality, for free?