February 1961 - Vol. 4 No. 2

February 1961 issue cover image


Research and Advances

A card format for reference files in information processing

This paper proposes a card format suitable for a variety of reference files in information processing. An 80-column IBM card is divided into two fields—reference material field (columns 1-67) and identification field (columns 68-80). The format for the reference material is flexible, while the format for the identification is rigid. The reference material includes basically an index, title, source, class, summary and cross reference for each entry. The identification includes basically codes for a matrix of descriptors, an entry number, and the kind, major interest, and source of the reference. The identification also provides a choice to identify material for personal as well as general files. Since this card format is sufficient to identify the material normally associated with reference files for books, articles, programming terms, hardware terms, equipment, machine systems, abbreviations, etc., it is suitable as a standard for card reference files in information processing.
Research and Advances

Two subroutines for symbol manipulation with an algebraic compiler

The current University of North Carolina version of the IT Compiler [1, 2], as well as the GAT Compiler of Arden and Graham of the University of Michigan [3], have special “alphabetic read” and “alphabetic type” statements. On the UNIVAC 1105 these features allow the direct input or output of six-symbol words, each symbol being either an alphanumeric or special character. Internally, each symbol is represented by a six-bit binary coded decimal code. On the IBM 650, five-symbol words are processed, with each symbol represented internally by a two-digit decimal code.
Research and Advances

Comment on a paper on parallel processing

The article by Lynn Yarbrough on Parallel Processing in the October Communications is interesting since it attracts attention to a subject which needs to be given increased consideration. His indictment of manufacturers for failing to provide what he feels is minimal to realizing the advantages of multi-programming is not applicable to STRETCH, however. It may be recalled that his specific complaint concerns the lack of protection of any program or monitor from the unpredictable actions of any other program. On page 15 of the STRETCH Data Processing System Reference Manual, we read: Address monitoring facilities are provided … The upper and lower boundaries of the storage area to be defined are placed in two address boundary registers. An alarm will be given when an address falls either inside or outside the defined area, whichever is desired. Storing in protected areas is normally suppressed.
Research and Advances

The BKS system for the Philco-2000

The BKS System is a program sequencing system designed for the Philco-2000 computer to meet operational requirements of the Bettis and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratories. The Philco-2000 on which this system is being used has a 32,768-word memory, 16 tape transports on-line, and an electric typewriter on-line. The card-to-tape, card-to-printer, tape-to-card, tape-to-printer, and routine tape-to-tape operations are performed with off-line equipment.
Research and Advances

On finding minimum routes in a network with turn penalties

In some highway engineering work it is necessary to find a route between two points in a city's street and freeway network such that a function of time and distance is minimized. Such a route is called a “best” route, and finding such a route is not a difficult task. The Moore Algorithm1 accomplishes this quite nicely, and using that algorithm and a procedure developed by Hoffman and Pavley2 (programmed by them for the IBM 650) it is even possible to find the “Nth best path.”
Research and Advances

Statistical programs at the University of North Carolina

The Research Computation Center at the University of North Carolina has access to a UNIVAC 1105 general purpose digital computer for use in connection with data processing problems, theoretical studies, and computer research. With respect to data processing problems, three major statistical programs have been written: General Contingency Table Analysis for Questionnaire Data Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Multiple Regression and Correlation Some of the concepts and ideas in these programs are new and may be of interest to other computation centers. Hence they are described below. The programs were written in the Remington Rand UNICODE language. Thus it would not be difficult to translate them into any other algebraic language, such as ALGOL, FORTRAN, or IT.
Research and Advances

Mathematical model for a documentation system

The Center is currently engaged in a number of theoretical and basic research investigations which are expected to lead to the formulation of a theory of documentation and of searching strategy. A basic program is leading to the development of a mathematical model for a documentation system. Work is proceeding (1) on a comprehensive investigation of the properties of aggregates and systems of messages in order to arrive at a general theory of “measure” for documentation systems, (2) on an analysis of the algebra that is imposed on the message complex, and (3) on a detailed study of the concept of mapping in documentation.
Research and Advances

Symbolic analysis methods for information systems

The purpose of this research in the area of information systems is basically twofold: (1) to produce new techniques of systems analysis and systems design that will be free of many of the defects of present techniques, and (2) to program a general purpose computer to enable it to apply at least major parts of these new techniques, in a way that will enable a linkage with automatic coding techniques. The major defects of the present techniques are high cost, low validity, low reliability, heavy reliance upon intuition and experience, and slow speed of effective application.
Research and Advances

ADAM (Attrition Damage Assessment Model

ADAM is a computer routine designed to do a Monte Carlo simulation of a one-sided air battle. ADAM requires as input plans for bombing missions (including targets) the initial condition of defense installations (missile sites, radar sites, and fighter bases) and bomber bases, and parameters determining aircraft characteristics and weapon effectiveness. Time is broken into short intervals (15 minutes as presently coded), and during each time interval ADAM carries out the action called for by the plans and computes the consequences, thus setting up a new set of conditions for the next time period. During this cycle the functions performed include: (1) flight following—the movement of aircraft is directed in accordance with the route specifications; fuel consumption, altitude, and distance traveled are computed; airborne operations such as refueling, air release of deception devices, the dropping of bombs, and communication of mission results are carried out; (2) attrition—radar detection of bombers and attacks by fighters and missiles are simulated; (3) targeting—designated ground zeros for bombs dropped over target are selected and the amount of information obtained by reconnaissance missions is determined; (4) damage—blast damage to bomber bases and defense installations is computed, as well as their restricted operation as a result of radioactive fallout from ground bursts. The output from ADAM consists of the final status of bomber bases and defense installations, a time history of all bombing missions, counters (these include such quantities as the number of aircraft killed by missiles or fighters, the number of bases and defense installations destroyed or rendered inoperable because of radiation), the actual ground zeros (from bomb drops at target points or attrited bombers), and the fighter engagements. A strike of 312 bombers against 71 bomber bases and 1158 defense installations takes about 15 minutes of 704 time.

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