Educating Computing’s Next Generation
April 2011 - Vol. 54 No. 4

I Want a Personal Information Pod
Engineering Sensation in Artificial Limbs
British Computer Scientists Reboot
Managing Global IT Teams: Considering Cultural Dynamics
Platform Wars Come to Social Media
Asymmetries and Shortages of the Network Neutrality Principle
Returning Control to the Programmer: SIMD Intrinsics For Virtual Machines
Successful Strategies For IPv6 Rollouts. Really.
A Co-Relational Model of Data For Large Shared Data Banks
Design Principles For Visual Communication
Why STM Can Be More Than A Research Toy
Reflecting on the DARPA Red Balloon Challenge
Crowdsourcing Systems on the World-Wide Web
Technical Perspective: Liability Issues in Software Engineering
Liability Issues in Software Engineering: The Use of Formal Methods to Reduce Legal Uncertainties
Technical Perspective: Patterns Hidden from Simple Algorithms
Poly-Logarithmic Independence Fools Bounded-Depth Boolean Circuits
Reaching Future Computer Scientists
Emergency! Web 2.0 to the Rescue!
A Research Doctorate For Computing Professionals
Achievements and Challenges in Software Reverse Engineering