

RISC Management

ACM A.M. Turing award recipients John Hennessy and David Patterson have introduced generations of students to reduced instruction set computing.

Celebrating Excellence

ACM's most prestigious recognition is the ACM A.M. Turing Award and the 2017 award goes to John Hennessy and David Patterson: "For pioneering a systematic, quantitative approach to the design and evaluation of computer architectures with enduring impact on the microprocessor industry."

Open Access and ACM

ACM is under significant pressure to move from a subscription-based to an open access publishing model. Such a transition is exceedingly challenging and would threaten ACM's financial viability, a risk that must be taken seriously.


Large-scale funding enables examination of larger questions that cross problem spaces, systems, abstractions, even fields. I believe the need for large investments has never been greater.

Shape the Future of Computing

ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

Get Involved

Communications of the ACM (CACM) is now a fully Open Access publication.

By opening CACM to the world, we hope to increase engagement among the broader computer science community and encourage non-members to discover the rich resources ACM has to offer.

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