Estimating block accesses and number of records in file management
Searching in a dynamic memory with fast sequential access
Programmers use slices when debugging
Reducing dictionary size by using a hashing technique
Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing
A comparison of two network-based file servers
A generalized user interface for applications programs
An experimental study of the human/computer interface
A history and evaluation of System R
System R, an experimental database system, was constructed to demonstrate that the usability advantages of the relational data model can be realized in a system with the complete function and high performance required for everyday production use. This paper describes the three principal phases of the System R project and discusses some of the lessons learned from System R about the design of relational systems and database systems in general.
On sharing secrets and Reed-Solomon codes
Operating system support for database management
The selection of optimal tab settings
Detection of logical errors in decision table programs
Optimizing decision trees through heuristically guided search
A simply extended and modified batch environment graphical system (SEMBEGS)
Jump searching: a fast sequential search technique
An algorithm using symbolic techniques for the Bel-Petrov classification of gravitational fields
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