

Communicating ACM Priorities

The need for diversity, equity, and inclusion is not only an issue of fairness, but also of excellence; research consistently finds that diverse teams produce better results than non-diverse teams.

Common Ails

Michael A. Cusumano's October 2021 column, "Section 230 and a Tragedy of the Commons," contains some fundamental factual errors that further muddle a debate that already has been rife with inaccuracies.

AI Education for Teens: Lifting the Hood on Data and Machine Learning

What are key ideas and intuitions foundational to AI that AI education in secondary schools should target? This blog post describes our approach to teaching AI and Machine Learning (AI/ML) to 13-15 year olds through situations/issues set in the context of cybersecurity in ways that "lift the hood" on how ML models are designed, how they they work, and the impact of human decisions in this process.

What Should be Done About Facebook?

The recent release of the Facebook papers by a whistleblower has confirmed that leaders at the company have long known about problems facilitated by their social media, including disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, depression, and more. There's been a lot of talk about regulators stepping in. What kinds of questions, insights, or advice might our community offer these regulators?

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ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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Communications of the ACM (CACM) is now a fully Open Access publication.

By opening CACM to the world, we hope to increase engagement among the broader computer science community and encourage non-members to discover the rich resources ACM has to offer.

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