A modular computer sharing systems
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
A comment on optimal tree structures
The teachable language comprehender: a simulation program and theory of language
A program for the syntactic analysis of English sentences
Some techniques for using pseudorandom numbers in computer simulation
Simulation of traffic flows in a network
Three-dimensional computer display
A computer system for transformational grammar
Automated printed circuit routing with a stepping aperture
A note on reliable full-duplex transmission over half-duplex links
An algorithm for solving a special class of tridiagonal systems of linear equations
On coordination reduction and sentence analysis
An algorithm for hidden line elimination
Simulation of outpatient appointment systems
Description of FORMAT, a text-processing program
On arithmetic expressions and trees
Randomized binary search technique
Images from computers and microfilm plotters
Exclusive simulation of activity in digital networks
Variable length tree structures having minimum average search time
Directed random generation of sentences
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