A method for composing simple traditional music by computer
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
A locally-organized parser for spoken input
A weighted buddy method for dynamic storage allocation
An interactive graphic display for region partitioning by linear programming
Algorithm 483: Masked three-dimensional plot program with rotations
A new solution of Dijkstra’s concurrent programming problem
Graph coloring conditions for the existence of solutions to the timetable problem
On the conversion of programs to decision tables: method and objectives
Formal requirements for virtualizable third generation architectures
Minimal-total-processing time drum and disk scheduling disciplines
Scheduling independent tasks to reduce mean finishing time
A theorem-proving language for experimentation
Two languages for estimating program efficiency
A model for masking rotational latency by dynamic disk allocation
Computation of page fault probability from program transition diagram
An improved program-synthesizing algorithm and its correctness
Scalar- and planar-valued curve fitting using splines under tension
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