
Research and Advances

A method for composing simple traditional music by computer

A method is described for composing musical rounds by computer. This method uses some music theory plus additional heuristics. Fundamental to the method is a set of productions together with sets of applicability rules and weight rules which operate on the productions deciding when and to what extent they are available for use. Several rounds generated by the computer implementation of the method are presented. Generally, the resultant music sounds mediocre to the professional although usually pleasing to the layman. It appears that full-blown music theory is not needed for rounds—all the hardware required for structural levels is not necessary for these pieces. The author has tried to address both musicians and computer scientists.
Research and Advances

A locally-organized parser for spoken input

This paper describes LPARS, a locally-organized parsing system, designed for use in a continuous speech recognizer. LPARS processes a string of phonemes which contains ambiguity and error. The system is locally-organized in the sense that it builds local parse structures from reliable word candidates recognized anywhere in an input utterance. These local structures are used as “islands of reliability” to guide the search for more highly garbledwords which might complete the utterance.
Research and Advances

A weighted buddy method for dynamic storage allocation

An extension of the buddy method, called the weighted buddy method, for dynamic storage allocation is presented. The weighted buddy method allows block sizes of 2k and 3·2k, whereas the original buddy method allowed only block sizes of 2k. This extension is achieved at an additional cost of only two bits per block. Simulation results are presented which compare this method with the buddy method. These results indicate that, for a uniform request distribution, the buddy system has less total memory fragmentation than the weighted buddy algorithm. However, the total fragmentation is smaller for the weighted buddy method when the requests are for exponentially distributed block sizes.
Research and Advances

Extending the infomation theory approach to converting limited-entry decision tables to computer programs

This paper modifies an earlier algorithm for converting decision tables into flowcharts which minimize subsequent execution time when compiled into a computer program. The algorithms considered in this paper perform limited search and, accordingly, do not necessarily result in globally optimal solutions. However, the greater search effort needed to obtain a globally optimal solution for complex decision tables is usually not justified by sufficient savings in execution time. There is an analogy between the problem of converting decision tables into efficient flowcharts and the well-understood problem in information theory of noiseless coding. The results of the noiseless coding literature are used to explore the limitations of algorithms used to solve the decision table problem. The analogy between the two problems is also used to develop improvements to the information algorithm in extending the depth of search under certain conditions and in proposing additional conditions to be added to the decision table. Finally, the information algorithm is compared with an algorithm proposed in a recent paper by Verhelst.
Research and Advances

An interactive graphic display for region partitioning by linear programming

Using linear programming, an interactive graphic display system has been implemented to solve the region design problem of partitioning a region into N nonoverlapping subregions in such a way that their areas are in specified proportions and that the total cost of servicing them is a minimum. In a conversational manner, a user can easily obtain different partitionings by specifying and modifying the boundary, the service centers' locations, the area proportions, and the cost functions. Examples are included.
Research and Advances

Graph coloring conditions for the existence of solutions to the timetable problem

A necessary and sufficient condition is presented for the existence of a solution to the Gotlieb class-teacher timetable problem. Several relationships are established between the class-teacher timetable problem and graphs with preconditions. These preconditions place additional restrictions on the coloration of a graph. The preconditions correspond to the unavailability constraints and preassigned meetings in the class-teacher timetable problem. Using some recent results that convert graphs with preconditions to graphs without them, it is shown that the existence of a coloration of a graph is the required necessary and sufficient condition.
Research and Advances

Formal requirements for virtualizable third generation architectures

Virtual machine systems have been implemented on a limited number of third generation computer systems, e.g. CP-67 on the IBM 360/67. From previous empirical studies, it is known that certain third generation computer systems, e.g. the DEC PDP-10, cannot support a virtual machine system. In this paper, model of a third-generation-like computer system is developed. Formal techniques are used to derive precise sufficient conditions to test whether such an architecture can support virtual machines.
Research and Advances

Minimal-total-processing time drum and disk scheduling disciplines

This article investigates the application of minimal-total-processing-time (MTPT) scheduling disciplines to rotating storage units when random arrival of requests is allowed. Fixed-head drum and moving-head disk storage units are considered, and emphasis is placed on the relative merits of the MTPT scheduling discipline with respect to the shortest-latency-time-first (SLTF) scheduling discipline. The results of the simulation studies presented show that neither scheduling discipline is unconditionally superior to the other. For most fixed-head drum applications, the SLTF discipline is preferable to MTPT, but for intra-cylinder disk scheduling the MTPT discipline offers a distinct advantage over the SLTF discipline. The computational requirements of an algorithm that implements the MTPT scheduling discipline are shown to be comparable to SLTF algorithms. In both cases, the sorting procedure is the most time-consuming phase of the algorithm.
Research and Advances

Scheduling independent tasks to reduce mean finishing time

Sequencing to minimize mean finishing time (or mean time in system) is not only desirable to the user, but it also tends to minimize at each point in time the storage required to hold incomplete tasks. In this paper a deterministic model of independent tasks is introduced and new results are derived which extend and generalize the algorithms known for minimizing mean finishing time. In addition to presenting and analyzing new algorithms it is shown that the most general mean-finishing-time problem for independent tasks is polynomial complete, and hence unlikely to admit of a non-enumerative solution.
Research and Advances

A theorem-proving language for experimentation

Because of the large number of strategies and inference rules presently under consideration in automated theorem proving, there is a need for developing a language especially oriented toward automated theorem proving. This paper discusses some of the features and instructions of this language. The use of this language permits easy extension of automated theorem-proving programs to include new strategies and/or new inference rules. Such extendability will permit general experimentation with the various alternative systems.
Research and Advances

Two languages for estimating program efficiency

Two languages enabling their users to estimate the efficiency of computer programs are presented. The program whose efficiency one wishes to estimate is written in the first language, a go-to-less programming language which includes most of the features of Algol 60. The second language consists of interactive commands enabling its users to provide additional information about the program written in the first language and to output results estimating its efficiency. Processors for the two languages are also described. The first processor is a syntax-directed translator which compiles a program into a symbolic formula representing the execution time for that program. The second processor is a set of procedures for algebraic manipulation which can be called by the user to operate on the formula produced by the first processor. Examples of the usage of the two languages are included. The limitations of the present system, its relation to Knuth's work on the analysis of algorithms, and some of the directions for further research are also discussed.
Research and Advances

A model for masking rotational latency by dynamic disk allocation

This paper presents the background and algorithms for masking the rotational latency of a disk or drum. It discusses the anticipatory input and output of blocks of data to buffer and primary memories for a mono-programmed computer system. A basic permutation algorithm and several variations are given. Because of the anticipatory nature of the I/O scheduling, these algorithms are restricted to classes of programs with predictable behavior. While the methods are not restricted to numerical computations, matrix and partial differential equation methods are typical examples of their use. It is shown that latency may be masked using a small amount of buffer memory. The methods discussed are independent of the overall size of the data base being considered.
Research and Advances

Computation of page fault probability from program transition diagram

An algorithm is given for calculating page fault probability in a virtual memory system operating under demand paging with various memory sizes and replacement rules. A first order Markov model of program behavior is assumed, and a representation of the system based on memory states, control states, and memory substates is presented. The algorithm is general in the sense that the page fault probabilities can be calculated for nonpredictive replacement rules applied to any program represented by a one-step Markov chain. A detailed example is given to illustrate the algorithm for Random and Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement rules.
Research and Advances

An improved program-synthesizing algorithm and its correctness

An improved program-synthesizing algorithm based on the algorithm proposed by Waldinger and Lee in 1969 is given. In the old algorithm, the program-synthesizing problem is translated into a theorem-proving problem, and a program is obtained by analyzing a proof. For the improved algorithm, the analysis is not necessary, and a program is obtained as soon as the proof is completed. This is achieved by using a modified variable tracing mechanism invented by Green in 1969. The correctness of the improved algorithm is also proved; i.e. the program thus obtained always satisfies the specification.
Research and Advances

Scalar- and planar-valued curve fitting using splines under tension

The spline under tension was introduced by Schweikert in an attempt to imitate cubic splines but avoid the spurious critical points they induce. The defining equations are presented here, together with an efficient method for determining the necessary parameters and computing the resultant spline. The standard scalar-valued curve fitting problem is discussed, as well as the fitting of open and closed curves in the plane. The use of these curves and the importance of the tension in the fitting of contour lines are mentioned as application.

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