Computing Profession

A Technology Swiss Army Knife

Swiss Army Knife

I’ve worked in a number of different roles in technology: business analyst, project manager, product owner, scrum master, and manual tester. I’ve also been responsible for automated software testing, and user-acceptance testing. It’s been a fantastic learning experience, and I’ve evolved into something of a technology Swiss Army Knife.

I secured my first professional IT role in 2004. I worked as a business analyst and was introduced to Agile methodologies at a company where the development team followed Extreme Programming (XP) principles. I’m an Agile advocate and believe that the best Agile teams take full responsibility for their work, are customer and value-oriented, solution focused, and collaborative. I’ve enjoyed using Scrum, Scrumban, and elements of Lean throughout my career.

After working in an internal IT department, I progressed into corporate IT consulting, where I led or worked on teams building multi million-pound Web and mobile applications. At that time, I also ran two side-hustle businesses. It was intense; I worked on my businesses first thing in the morning and during lunch times, then shifted back to them again in the evenings. The minute I surfaced from a tube station on the way to, or from work, I’d be sending emails and making calls!

Looking back, I realize I was pretty exhausted, which isn’t healthy, but I’ve also seen the benefits of the effort I put in. I’m a bit of a workaholic, and gained a lot of satisfaction from having a strong purpose in my day job, while also pursuing my personal goals as an entrepreneur.

In 2016, I became an author, publishing the first of five business books, a software survival guide for non-technical entrepreneurs wanting to build Web or mobile apps titled: Don’t Hire a Software Developer Until You Read this Book. It became an Amazon bestseller in multiple categories in seven countries, including the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Brazil.

Entrepreneurs around the world contacted me to say that they loved the book and asked me to work with them. That’s how my business, Purposeful Group, was born! For 20 years, I’ve been helping people translate ideas into software and digital products, or to create websites, whether working on a tech team or operating as a mentor, coach, or educator.

Nowadays, my advice includes all aspects of early-stage entrepreneurship, including mindset, ideation, planning, design, team formation, tech / software for productivity, and marketing and sales. It’s great to see people advance: building their confidence, executing the plans and strategies you’ve worked on together, and experiencing wins.

Currently I design and deliver workshops and programs focused on technology, entrepreneurship, and employability. I also speak at events and conferences, and recently spoke at a Student Enterprise Conference on ‘AI for Entrepreneurs’ and was a panelist and speaker discussing digital tools for effective leadership, digital transformation, and digital adoption for the first national ‘Help to Grow Conference’ in London. My workshops and programs also assist people of all ages with breaking into the IT industry.

In 2019, I was recognized on the Financial Times and Inclusive Boards list of 100 Most Influential BAME Leaders in U.K. Tech, and in 2022, I won four awards, including Digital Entrepreneur of the Year, the BTA Lifetime Achievement Award, and Role Model of the Year. I also reached the finals for another three, including Digital Woman of the Year, and Best Small Service Based Business. In 2023, I was named as one of 30 people on Brummell Magazine’s list of Inspirational Women.

In life and in work there’s so much that you must infer and figure out for yourself. If you don’t connect the dots or have people to point you in the right direction, then you can face unnecessary difficulties and miss out on opportunities. I love my work and have found my calling in training and mentoring others.

Kay Kukoyi

CEO, Purposeful Group

B.Sc. in Biosciences, University of Bedfordshire, U.K.


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