Computing Profession

A Standard Plan for Modern Requirements

Bertrand Meyer

Requirements documents for software projects in industry, agile or not, typically follow a plan defined in a 1998 IEEE standard (IEEE 830-1998 [1]),  “reaffirmed” in 2009. IEEE 830 has the merit of simplicity, as it fits in 37 pages of which just a few (competently) describe basic requirements concepts and less than 10 are devoted to explaining the standard recommended plan, which itself consists of 3 sections with subsections. Simplicity is good but the elementary nature of the IEEE-830 plan is just not up to the challenges of modern information technology. It is time to retire this venerable precursor and move to a structure that works for the kind of ambitious, multi-faceted IT systems we build today.

For the past few years I have worked on defining a systematic approach to requirements, culminating in a book to be published in the Fall, Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis. One of the results of this effort is a standard plan, based on the “PEGS” view of requirements where the four parts cover Project, Environment, Goals and System. The details are in the book (for some of the basic concepts see a paper at TOOLS 2019, [2]). Here I will introduce some of the key principles, since they are already  be used — as various people have done since I first started presenting the ideas in courses and seminars (particularly an ACM Webinar, organized by Will Tracz last March, whose recording is available on YouTube, and another hosted by Grady Booch for IBM).