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Viewpoint: The Internet Patent Land Grab

At about 6 p.m., February 29, I posted an open letter to Jeff Bezos of on my Web site. I asked my customers to join me in protesting’s suit against Barnes & Noble for infringing’s "1-Click" patent. This event made news because my company sells hundreds of thousands of books each year […]
Research and Advances

Lessons from Open-Source Software Development

Open source is a term that has recently gained currency as a way to describe the tradition of open standards, shared source code, and collaborative development behind software such as the Linux and FreeBSD operating systems, the Apache Web server, the Perl, Tcl, and Python languages, and much of the Internet infrastructure, including Bind (the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon servers that run the Domain Name System), the Sendmail mail server, and many other programs. The Open Source campaign became international news in 1998 when Netscape decided to make the next version of its Web browser (Mozilla) an open-source product, and when IBM adopted the Apache Web server as the core of its WebSphere product line.

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