
Author Archives


A New Beginning, A Fond Farewell

I am writing this column in my last month as President of ACM. It's been a great opportunity to support the Association's many successful programs and to expand and firmly establish new directions. Much has been accomplished, much remains to be done.

ACM Annual Report For FY07

In recent months we have celebrated ACM’s 60th Anniversary and the 50th Anniversary of its flagship publication, Communications of the ACM. Both events signify the enduring role ACM has played as the conduit for the world’s educators, researchers, and professionals to share their common computing interests, inspire new innovation, and reveal their latest research. Indeed, […]

Fifty Years and Still Growing

This anniversary issue represents how Communications has covered the depth and breadth of the computing field over the decades, as well as its growth, and the industry’s shifts in technological focus. The name "Association for Computing Machinery" once explained the primary interest of our members. Of course, over the last 50 years, both ACM and […]

The Rewards of ACM’s Awards

I recently had the pleasure of hosting ACM’s Annual Awards Banquet in San Diego—a splendid event honoring some of computing’s brightest innovators and their brilliant accomplishments. The gathering celebrated their efforts and how they have expanded the knowledge of computer science, helped educate new members of our community, and supported the technology field as well […]

ACM’s Past Helps Steer its Future

When the Association for Computing Machinery was founded, our name explained what interested us. In the 60 years since then, the Association has embraced systems, software, services, policy, education, the roles of people, as well as other topics relating to information technology. This month’s special section spotlighting the birth of ACM and the pioneering spirits […]
Research and Advances

The Clarion Call For Modern Services: China, Japan, Europe, and the U.S.

What will modern services be like? Today many services are viewed as a craft activity—individual doctors, retail sellers, programmers all doing useful things their own way. There is, however, an increasing role for an organized, analytic, and engineering approach to all these activities. Evidence-based medicine, marketing science- driven retailers, and software engineering are examples of […]

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ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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