

Say It With Video

If you're one of the more than 1,000,000 scientists, practitioners, educators, or students who regularly read Communications of the ACM in print or online, you may have noticed that a new feature has recently been introduced on the magazine's Web site—video.

ACM on the Move

Over the coming weeks, ACM will be diving headfirst into the world of mobility. Our strategy is essentially two-pronged. The first is the development of a mobile version of the existing CACM Web site. The second component is apps.

Responding to the Blogosphere

In the July issue of Communications, Moshe Vardi addressed ACM's access model in his Editor's Letter, which has since been picked up in the blogosphere by John Dupuis. Dupuis raised some interesting questions that I believe deserve response.

Communications’ Web Site to Launch in March

2008 was a year of significant change for Communications. The same will be the case in 2009. After a successful relaunch of the print magazine last year, ACM is getting ready to launch a new Communications’ Web site, which will go live this month. The new site will complement the magazine by providing an easy […]

Looking Back and Forward

"Well within our sights now is a magazine that can truly be considered the most important scholarly publication in the field of computing." 2008 has been a year of incredible change for Communications of the ACM. Starting with the 50th anniversary issue in January in which it was first announced that the magazine would undergo […]

Shape the Future of Computing

ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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