Research and Advances

Advanced programming and the aims of standardization

Some of the most advanced programming techniques have emerged either because of the complete lack of coordinated standards, or because there was too rigid standardization and too soon, whether it was planned that way or not. The standardization that was lacking, or too rigid, was in programming techniques, programming languages, programming terminology, equipment techniques, available equipment, and specification and documentation methods for equipment, programs, languages, and problems to be solved. For example, common programming languages developed because of the lack of standardized equipment or languages for their use.


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Research and Advances

Some basic terminology connected with mechanical languages and their processors: a tentative base terminology presented to ASA x3.4 as a proposal for subsequent inclusion in a glossary

The suggestions in this paper are part of the terminology used in work for the University of Pennsylvania's Office of Computer Research and Education. The work is jointly supported by the National Science Foundation* and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.†

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