

Puzzled: Where Sets Meet (Venn Diagrams)

Welcome to three new puzzles. The theme is Venn diagrams, those ubiquitous but useful pictures, usually consisting of two or three intersecting circles that illustrate how sets meet.

Puzzled: Uncommon Divisors

Welcome to three new puzzles. Solutions to the first two will be published next month; the third is (as yet) unsolved. In fact, this time it's a famously unsolved problem.

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (May 2011, p. 120) we posted a trio of brainteasers, including one as yet unsolved, concerning games and their roles and turns, with randomness either removed or inserted. Here, we offer solutions to two of them. How did you do?

Puzzled: Games, Roles, Turns

Welcome to three new puzzles. Solutions to the first two will be published next month; the third is (as yet) unsolved. In each, the issue is how your intuition matches up with the mathematics.

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (February 2011, p. 112) we posted a trio of brainteasers, including one as yet unsolved, concerning partitions of Ms. Feldman's fifth-grade class. Here, we offer solutions to at least two of them. How did you do?

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