
Research and Advances


Technology today plays a greater role in elections than at any other point in the history of democracy. The Florida 2000 experience served to accelerate an existing trend in the U.S. of replacement of legacy voting technologies (mechanical lever machines and punch cards) with computer-based systems (typically optically scanned paper or fully electronic systems). Simultaneously, […]

The Big Picture

In this column we provide a high-level overview of some of the most pressing problem areas associated with risks to the constructive use of information technology. Although this may seem repetitive to those of you who have seen particular problems discussed in previous columns, each of these topics presents numerous challenges that must be urgently confronted. The primary message of this column is that the totality of all the interrelated challenges requires concerted efforts that transcend the individual problems and that reach agreement on viable actions for the future, even where strong disagreements exist today.

Optimistic Optimization

Many people continue to ignore the long-term implications of decisions made for short-term gains, often based on overly optimistic or fallacious assumptions. In principle, greater benefits can result from farsighted vision based on realistic assumptions. For example, serious environmental effects (including global warming, water and air pollution, and adverse genetic engineering) are largely ignored in […]

Security By Obscurity

The belief that code secrecy can make a system more secure is commonly known as security by obscurity. Certainly, vendors have the right to use trade secret protection for their products in order to extend ownership beyond the terms afforded under copyright and patent law. But some software systems must satisfy critical requirements under intensive […]

Information System Security Redux

Last month we discussed risks in trusting entities that might not actually be trustworthy. And yet, people use flawed systems that may cause more security and reliability problems than they solve. There are various reasons why untrustworthy mass-market software might be used so extensively, even if the source code is proprietary and the vendor can […]

Risks in Trusting -ntrustworthiness

The Internet provides ample opportunity for proving the age-old truism, "There’s a sucker born every minute." Carnival-style swindles and other confidence games once limited to in-person encounters are now proliferating electronically, worldwide, at low cost and effort. A blatantly obvious example is the so-called Nigerian-style scam that requests use of one’s bank account to move […]

E-Epistemology and Misinformation

The problems of online misinformation seem to be worsening due to the growth of the Internet and our ever-increasing dependence on online systems. Information technology is a double-edged sword—perhaps even more so than many other technologies. In the hands of enlightened individuals, institutions, and governments, its use can be enormously beneficial. In other hands, it […]

Gambling on System Accountability

Because of rampant security vulnerabilities, ever-present risks of misuse by insiders, and possibilities for penetrations by outsiders, there are many needs for comprehensive computer system accountability—that is, the ability to know definitively what is transpiring, particularly during and after accidents and intentional misuse. Unfortunately, security typically focuses overly on confidentiality, with integrity, availability, strong authentication, […]

Risks of National Identity Cards

In the wake of September 11th, the concept of a national identity (NID) card system has been getting considerable play, largely promoted by persons who might gain financially or politically from its implementation, or by individuals who simply do not understand the complex implications of such a plan. Authentic unique identifiers do have some potentially […]

Inside Risks: Risks of Panic

The horrific events of September 11, 2001 have brought grief, anger, fear, and many other emotions. As we write these words a few weeks later, risks issues are now squarely on the world’s center stage, particularly technological risks relating to security and privacy. With the nightmare of recent events still in a haze of emotions, […]

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